Showing posts with label Bergdahl. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Bergdahl. Show all posts

Wednesday, March 27, 2013

Save me from daytime talk TV

I avoid  most talk shows as if they were the plague. Yesterday I took a relative to a doctor's office and tried to focus on a crossword puzzle while  the TV blared a Show-host doctor interviewing Mayor Bloomberg. He was questioned on his fight against transfats, not trannies,  big sodas, not big crime, etc. He proudly acknowledged that govt has a role in protecting us from ourselves. That sounds a lot like dogma from the old Soviet Union not words from our founders.

BTW, I was not coerced to watch/listen, but opted to sit in a chair rather than against the wall by the elevator.

I can't recall the songwriter, but the line "save us from the people who would save us from ourselves" chanted through my brain.

Found the song: Gang of Four : muscles for brains


CNN & MSNBC are starting to tell the truth about the Obamacare train wreck. Will Oprah, Dr Phil and others join that chorus

Calorie charts on vending machines another Obamacare reg. Seriously, does anyone go to a vending machine  for good food?

Love the tolerance at MSNBC. They've corner the market on being open-minded.
 "Maybe the rightwing will hate it, but everyone else will go awww: the adorable new #Cheerios ad w/ biracial family.


Nanny update. California proposal :  warning on the front of all beverage containers with added sweeteners that have 75 or more calories in every 12 ounces
Don't soda producers list ingredients? Redundancy!!!

FCC wants to  run newsrooms. If you can't legislate than regulate.

Here's a fair link

Attkisson leaves CBS due to liberal media bias. This woman went hard at both sides of the aisle. CBS , MSNBC, etc still protect BO. Her reporting on Fast & Furious & Benghazi upset her bosses.

Go for it grandnanny Bloomberg- outspend the NRA and you won't change too many minds

Atkisson has landed at Fox or anywhere else. Maybe she writes the book?

New NANNY in town:  DeBlasio
 will continue the battle to ban sodas larger than 16 ounces. The city will appeal a state court ruling that axed the ban last year. 

I noticed that Tesco in the UK is removing candy displays from its checkout lines. Yesterday I heard a man  at a Rite Aid say he wouldn't go to CVS anymore cuz they were going to stop selling cigarettes. Self -policing on legal products is a dangerous business strategy.

Even Mika on Morning Joe (MSNBC) is critical of BO's White house on the Bergdahl swap. Is the world ending?

Hooray NYC loses it's nanny soda appeal  NYC loses it's soda ban appeal

New nanny sheriff in NYC. de Blasio hunts down  sellers of loose cigarettes and a lady who cooked food in front of her house w/o a license.

I've actually enjoyed Morning Joe the last two days. The range of opinions was healthy

DiBlasio wanted to  crack down on sellers of loose cigarettes last summer before the jury didn't punish the cop in the Garner case. I  guess the New NYC nanny is  feeling a little discomfort  plus the cops don't want him at police funerals.

Diblasio blames the press now. Dude look in the mirror-you're the Mayor, not a community activist.

Is he arrogant, tone deaf , clueless etc? Mayor Bill de Blasio reappointed a Brooklyn judge, Laura Johnson, who freed without bail two men who threatened cops just days after the Bed-Stuy double police assassination.

Can DeBlasio  accomplish some snow  removal or is f'n with cops  his sole objective?

Deblowsio shuts down city and subway- He's a bigger nanny than Bloomberg

ok I missed this : 1-cent-an-ounce tax on soft drinks. passed in Berkeley in Nov 2014

Mark Cuban on the FCC "net neutrality" move
“That will fuck everything up,
The Melitev case in MD has accelerated the use of a  sad and hilarious  term: free range kids . When I was ten or eleven (circa 1970) during the summer, my friends and I were told go play in the park and we'll expect you home for supper. Other kids would notice  and report if an adult we didn't know was talking to one of our peers. We didn't need  the Govt hovering over us because a nosy neighbor called the cops on our non-helicopter parents.
The police have more serious issues to deal with than two kids walking home from the park, and child protective services has plenty of real child abuse cases .

Mika Brzezinski, a big Hilary supporter and co-host of Morning Joe, going after Hilary for dodging questions.  Stunned and wondering when more on the Left will realize she was running a parallel Govt at state

Morning Joe may crash due to horrible ratings. ESPN Mike &Mike would rather OD on the NBA than talk NHL playoffs. Boomer & Carton needs to  try to get out the Joisey/Madhattan mind-set just a little. Fox &Friends is amusing for seven minutes.  And that's why I miss Imus the a-hole on FBN

Pondering  this one link   not sure if an ordered boycott is the answer
Australian Prime Minister Tony Abbott has told ministers to boycott a popular talk show on the national broadcaster.The Australian Broadcasting Corp (ABC) was criticised after a former terror suspect was allowed on live television show Q&A two weeks ago.
I wouldn't eat a deep fried Mars bar , but the save me from myself crew is at it again . The biz brings in tourists but govt knows best? Scotland
A chip shop has been ordered to remove a banner which hails it as the birthplace of the deep fried Mars bar.
repeating  the Gang of Four lyrics cuz it resonates now more than ever. Tune linked in earlier post
 "save us from the people who would save us from ourselves" 
quick snaps: Bergdahl  was a deserter and deserves military prison,  Can The View get much dumber than the "nurse" comments? Does FBN miss Imus? FCC net neutrality is a power grab!

NYC nanny statists attack again but  focusing only on  the "big boys" tells me there's more going on than putting a lid on salt shakers. no salt
Any restaurant operating in New York City with more than 15 franchises nationwide falls under the new rule
Bergdahl could wind up in an American military cell. Hey Prez, what say you?
If Bloomberg runs for President as an independent , he'll hurt the Dems more than the GOP.
The draft Biden camp is active, Hillary is floundering and wasserman schultz is bewildered.
Wasserman Schultz: I think Bloomberg will find he doesn't need to run

Melissa Harris-Perry, the over-rated spoiled brat, keeps rallying against the white bogeyman.
"I am not a token, mammy, or little brown bobble head. I am not owned by Lack, Griffin, or MSNBC."
Billie Holliday may be sighing from the grave, girl, this ain't a "strange fruit" moment .
Another Northeast mayor is looking for a soda tax. This time it's Kenney of Philly.
"Nanny" Bloomberg shows his true colors: He's a Democrat not an Independent.
The owner of the Bloomberg news organisation said his candidacy would risk letting in Mr Trump or his fellow Republican Ted Cruz.
Nanny statists slowed down a bit.
  Bill to raise Illinois smoking age to 21 snuffed out at Capitol
Diblasio, my favorite limo-liberal, ain't so different: corrupt
 Joseph Dussich secured a multi-million dollar contract with the city after donating $100,000 to the Campaign for One New York, which was Mayor de Blasio's nonprofit fund-raising arm at the time
Former NYC top cop #raykelly  on #Diblasio "de Blasio underplays the terrorist threat.". Kelly is too kind
Leave it to the French to one up the nanny Mayors in the USA , #diblasio #kenney . Restaurants and other spaces catering to the public in France have been banned from offering unlimited sugary drinks 
Nanny statists are cheering . Supreme Court in England ruled that parents should not take their child out of lessons at all without permission. It takes a village to raise a child is now the new Stalinist way in the the Isle of Wight and the rest of England. #jonplatt

After the ruling, Mr Platt warned that every unauthorised absence in future, ‘including being a minute late to school’, would now be deemed a criminal offence
Keep your eyes on the nannies of #santafe new mexico. In 2009 its voters narrowly defeated a tax   on  buyers of homes costing more than $750,000  purported to pay for affordable housing initiatives in the community. Now it wants to tax soda distributors 2-cents-per-ounce  to fund pre-school.
Hypersensive prisoners who opt to not eat feel offended. A #PizzaHut in Israel apologizes for joking about a prisoner hunger strike“ #Barghouti, if you are going to break your strike, isn’t pizza the better choice?” I thought it was amusing and am so tired of everyone being offended 24/7.

I'm late on this: Santa Fe County defeated soda "nanny" tax: 11,533 votes against and only 8,382 votes in favor
#CookCounty (Illinois) Board President #ToniPreckwinkle is blaming court delay of its soda tax for impending layoffs. It's pathetic when you  banked everything on a tax and couldn't or wouldn't find other ways to address your problems.
#deblasio defends cops in the #dunkin snub. Yep, I had to rub my eyes,  too  Here's the dilemma: Store manager claims  a security tape proves cops were in the wrong line, but, of course, won't make the tape available.
"save us from the people who would save us from ourselves" chanted through my brain.

Band: #GangofFour , song:muscles for brains
New York= #nanny #cuomo  In 30 days #Vaping will be banned in indoor public spaces in #newyork
Why did Vermont Senator #berniesanders  swear in  NYC Mayor #Diblasio,  Is this the 2020 Dem Presidential ticket?
Nanny statists on the rampage : The #SPD party in Germany is  pushing for a binding time plan for implementing the sweet, salty and fatty reductions, as well as a law to enforce the plan if companies do not comply. Why not both :so called healthier food and comfort food.   #ChristophMinhoff, a German food industry rep, gets the to heart of the issue:
The food industry must remain responsible for the recipes, otherwise party platforms will turn into cookbooks,"
Nannies never rest. Is #Prohibition lurking  ?  #Scotland became the first nation in the world to introduce a minimum price per unit of pure alcohol on Tuesday claiming it's aim is to curb the sale of cheaper white ciders, extra-strength beers, and spirits.

Now the nannies want a 'meat tax' to fight climate change

Here come the nannies: Action on Sugar is demanding a ban on #freakshakes (Australia  and the UK)  and all milkshakes with more than 300 calories.
Here's a break from  the nannies such as NYC Mayor #DeBlasio. Norway's Health Minister
#SylviListhaug  "Let people smoke, drink and eat red meat" ----- "governments are to do is to provide information so that people can make informed choices "
  #deBlasio  quoted #CheGuevara “hasta la victoria siempre” (“to victory, always”) in a Miami address to striking Miami airport workers and had to apologize later
Circling back to #Imus , RIP. His termination at #MSNBC led eventually to Morning Joe. The I-Man was  as  nasty to the Dems as he was to the GOP. I enjoyed the musical acts, Levon Helm, Delbert McLinton, etc ,  who performed on his morning show.
Maybe Diblasio  should try to resolve this issue instead of the Wuhan flu?  Charles Oakley and  Knicks owner James Dolan were ordered by Court of Appeals, Second Circuit to resolve their dispute via a phone call.
Mayor de Blasio would lose authority over NYPD under Letitia James, the NY AG’s plan. An independent panel would appoint the city’s police commissioner and oversee the NYPD under a state plan. Those Dems stick together!
 State of New York AG Letitia James is coming with a lawsuit for NYC again, claiming the NYPD used excessive force and violating demonstrators’ civil rights in the summer of 2020.
Maybe she should take a minute and consider these words stated by NYPD Police Commissioner #DermotShea in May, 2020: 
“We practice de-escalation but it is very difficult to practice de-escalation when you’re having a brick thrown at you.”
If Cyrus Vance, the Manhattan DA doesn’t run for a 4th term , how would that affect the investigation of  Trump and his business?  Karen Friedman Agnifilo, his second in command, stepped down before Christmas 2020.
april 27,2021
King Cuomo signed an executive order that pushed back the curfew for bars and restaurants to midnight from 11 p.m., starting on April 19 and effective until May 19, but  businesses will still be required to sell food along with drinks. It appears the when NY Dems voted to amend a March 2020 law that gave Mr. Cuomo the power to issue unilateral, it was a fake rollback.
Meanwhile #cyrusvance is nearly ending any enforcement of prostitution laws in Manhattan.
May 3, 2021
 New York politicians are preparing for a contentious redistricting process since the state’s delegation to the U.S. House of Representatives will decrease by a seat based on the census results.  No sitting state legislators will have a role in drawing the maps


Soviet -Putin style and more

 Putin continues his tradition of sending Kim Jon Un, the NK dictator, various gifts. This week it's lions and bears, and earlier this y...