Showing posts with label GAO. Planned Parenthood. Show all posts
Showing posts with label GAO. Planned Parenthood. Show all posts

Friday, July 12, 2013

"Wading" for 20 coat hangers

It used to be that legal abortions were done in the first trimester but now some female legislators are returning to their old standby prop, coat hangers,  to claim we need more than 20 weeks to decide.

 Five months isn't  enough time to decide????

It's a damn shame that many of the pro-choice folks who want the government to keep their hands off women's bodies, want those hands in every other aspect of our lives? And, some want the  parents of teenage girls out of the loop before, during , and after an abortion decision. However those same parents remain legally responsible for their children. I'm more than perplexed.

Planned Parenthood takes Govt $$$ so why the shock and awe over Govt regulation.
Medical facilities have been regulated for a long time.

I've known a few women who had legal abortions and everything about the process was low-key and sensitive. Somewhere along the line it has become a slogan to scream from the rooftops.

I understand abortions are legal and a fact of life,  but I'm more than a little leery of  how eugenics, a science that deals with the improvement (as by control of human mating) of hereditary qualities of a race or breed, seems to be  expanding while remaining a covert  element of public policy on abortion.  

8/10/13: Planned parentoood is being investigated by the GAO for misusing taxpayer funds. "The GAO’s investigation comes on the heels of a settlement involving a Texas affiliate of the organization, which paid $4.3 million in July to settle allegations of fraud in billing to a health program for the poor" --Townhall

Your tax dollars at work


 Ross  Perot donates to PP and makes the the lefty love list

Abortion politics moves to the municpal level starting in Albuquerque, New Mexico. link

The brief claimed the government is "simply blind to the religious exercise at issue: the Little Sisters and other Applicants cannot execute the form because they cannot deputize a third party to sin on their behalf." 

and this is the crux of the third party end around in the Obama -cares less mandate


Planned Parenthood's reaction to: "abortion doctors to have admitting privileges at a nearby hospital " is exaggerated and I'm being kind.
"safe and legal abortion will continue to be virtually impossible for thousands of Texas women to access."

Isn't abortion a medical procedure? So why shouldn't the practitioners  make the effort to qualify for visiting privileges at nearby hospitals. Here's one explanation that's disturbing . Wisconsin abortion law
   it's been a struggle to win admitting privileges because hospitals demand so much background.
I've always rolled my eyes over many folks  preferring pets and animals over humans, but when more folks seem upset about the killing of Cecil the Lion than the brazen selling of aborted babies' body parts by Planned Parenthood, I think it's time I buy a pet rock.

Somehow , questioning Cecile Richards,the female CEO of Panned Parenthood, a group that receives a ton of federal $$$, on available medical equipment and her salary is now considered misogyny. She's not the first or last CEO  of  either gender who'll be grilled on their salaries, particularly when  your organization receives a lot of federal $$$.
Planned Parentood is not the sole provider of  screenings for breast cancer, STD testing,etc. It's beyond nauseating to hear  claims that women have nowhere to  go for health issues if PP loses some funding .
For example: ohio pp
"The state, through the Ohio Department of Health (ODH) has at least 150 other sub-grantees and contractors for the affected grants and projects addressing such issues as infant mortality, violence against women, and minority HIV/AIDS. "
#womenonwaves makes this claim
 "We respect religious beliefs but this [abortion] is a fundamental right in a democracy," spokeswoman Leticia Zevich told La Hora Newspaper."
So now their claims  should supercede a nation's law? In this case #Guatemala bans abortion except to save the mother's life, and Guatemalan army says it will block the activities of a non-profit  Women on Waves"abortion boat" docked on its shores.
On "free" birth control: dudes should pay for condoms, chicks should pay for their chosen method. If that doesn't work,both should pay for an abortion. That's equivalent. F^ckin ain't free.
#SinnFĂ©in, a Catholic party,  currently favours repeal  of the 8th amendmetn in the Republic of Ireland and allowing for abortion in cases of rape, incest, and fatal foetal abnormalities, but is not favour unrestricted access to abortion in the first 12 weeks of pregnancy. Tricky issue!
Abortion laws are  a big deal  : #Norway formed its first conservative (non-Socialist) majority government in 30 years. Prime Minister Solberg's coalition agreed to the Christian Democrats' demand to end  a woman's right to abort a fetus in a multifetal pregnancy.
HHS is putting more teeth behind the Hyde Amendment which bars the use of federal funds to pay for abortion except to save the life of the woman, or if the pregnancy arises from incest or rape.This is part of the new HHS rule: “clear financial and physical separation between Title X funded projects and programs or facilities where abortion is a method of family planning,”
 6th U.S. Circuit Court of Appeals in Cincinnati overturned  last year's ruling by a three-judge panel of the court that the Ohio funding ban violated the due process rights of Planned Parenthood affiliates.
 “But that condition does not violate the Constitution because the affiliates do not have a due process right to perform abortions.”
July 31, 2020
Mexico Supreme Court rejected  Veracruz' bid to decriminalize abortion in the first 12 weeks. States were  given the right to create their own  abortion laws in a 2008 Supreme Court ruling upholding Mexico City's abortion legislation.Will there be protests?
March 1, 2022
Nice to see some politicians remember that we live in a Republic. Lisa Murkowski (R-Alaska) on voting against the Women's Health Protection Act : "It would broadly supersede state laws and infringe on Americans' religious freedoms." Two Dem Senators, Manchin and Case , voted against it.

Soviet -Putin style and more

 Putin continues his tradition of sending Kim Jon Un, the NK dictator, various gifts. This week it's lions and bears, and earlier this y...