Showing posts with label Romania. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Romania. Show all posts

Saturday, January 27, 2024

"Eastern" Europe changing times

Metropolitan Ieronymos, bishop of Athens and all Greece, is claiming it remains committed to tradition, while proposing that the children in a same sex family can be baptized when they reach a certain age and express a desire for the sacrament. 

Baptism is traditionally conducted in early childhood, but the church will adapt to changing times.

Compromise🤔 Not sure it sells well.

Jan 28, 2024
Czech Republic's upper house Senate voted against the Istanbul Convention, a treaty with a long title about combatting violence against women. Opponents feel it deviates from "traditional roles" for men and women in society and has not reduced violence in countries that have ratified it. Clauses concerning LBGT rights, particular the wording on gender identity, are hot points for treaty opponents.
Feb 8, 2024
 Finnish Air Force will participate in NATO's air defense mission over Bulgaria, Romania, and the Black Sea. 
Finland's Minister of Defense, Antti Heikkinen, stated that next year, Finland will contribute to NATO's peacetime missions with a Navy ship and eight Air Force F/A-18 Hornet fighters.
Feb 10, 2024
Kosovo's President Osmani wants more NATO's Kosovo Force (KFOR) to deal with Serbia. In September 2023, Serb gunmen stormed a majority Serb village in northern Kosovo and barricaded themselves in a Serbian Orthodox monastery. It never ends. Both countries want to join the EU.
Feb 19, 2024
Margrethe1 derided as "King Breechless"for favoring Denmark too often while ruling(1397-1412) over the tenuous union of Norway, Denmark, and Sweden.
March 9, 2024
March, 3,1878) result of Russo-Turkish War: Actual independence from Ottoman rule was given only to the Principality of Bulgaria (present-day northern Bulgaria and the Sofia region)
April 2, 2024
Transnistria is wedged between Moldova and Ukraine and is home to a military base with 1,500 Russian troops. It broke off from Moldova in the 1990s but isn’t recognized by any U.N. member countries and most of its residents wants to be a part of Russia.
April 4, 2024
In the middle of March 2024, contact was established between German and Bulgarian authorities who went on to discover a warehouse in Yambol region of Bulgaria, which contained a military arsenal in a car repair shop.

Pictures of guns and magazines were found on the mobile phone of one of four suspected Hamas'  members arrested in Berlin and Rotterdam in December 2023. Their alleged intention was to transport the arms to Berlin for potential attacks on Jewish institutions across Europe.
April 19, 2024
Croatia: HDZ holds on to power but will have to work with the anti-immigrant Rodina party to form a coalition. HDZ got 60 seats, Rodina 14
 pro-Russian coalition led by populist president Zoran Milanović's "Rivers of Justice," secured 42 seats.
May 11, 2024
 Polish farmers march against 'green poison', EU climate change rules. General sentiment is that these rules raise prices for everything and belong in the trash bin.
May 15, 2024
The EU migration and asylum pact was ratified despite opposition from Poland, Hungary, and Slovakia. Czech Republic, Malta, and Austria abstained during the final vote.
Countries who do not accept migrants have to choose one of three options: 
to contribute financially to their upkeep 
deploy border guards to assist with border security 
 establish reception centers.

AUR is using caravans to reach rural areas and provide medical care. Its goal is to win 10 of Romania's 33 seats in the European Parliament and to work with others to change what it views as Ursula von der Leyen's "destructive" policies on migration and green energy.
AUR has clashed with the ethnic Hungarian minority and faced allegations that its members are Holocaust deniers.
May 29, 2024
Denmark's Foreign Minister Lars Lokke Rasmussen recently said the Danish government could not recognize a Palestinian state because it doesn't have a single functioning authority or control over its own territory. Yesterday, Danish Parliament rejected a proposal to recognize a Palestinian state.
June 22, 2024
Lebanon's government isn't handling the fallout from Nasrallah's (Hezbollah) suggestion of making Cyprus a target. 
How quickly some forget that Cyprus( geographically a part of West Asia) encouraged  its EU partners to offer Lebanon financial assistance. 
June 27, 2024
MK airbase,12 miles from the Black Sea coast in Romania , is stocking up and becoming NATO's biggest airbase in Europe
Sept 1, 2024
Ain't going to happen: Ukraine  urged Mongolia to arrest Putin during his visit there( based on an ICC war crimes warrant .
ICC claims Putin failed to stop the unlawful deportation of children from Ukraine to Russia since the conflict began.
 Fadi el-Abdallah, a spokesperson for the ICC,  claims ICC court States Parties which includes Mongolia, "have the obligation to cooperate in accordance with the Chapter IX of the Rome Statute", the agreement which set up the court.
Oct, 13, 2024
George Simion, who's running for president on the AUR ticket in November, criticized Austria's stance, calling for the country to shed its "imperial reflexes" in delaying Romania's full accession into the Schengen Zone. 

Two Irelands - more coming

John Connolly, who was jailed for 14 years by a Belfast(NI) court in 2000 after being caught with a Real IRA mortar bomb on his way to blow ...