Thursday, October 3, 2024

Two Irelands - more coming

John Connolly, who was jailed for 14 years by a Belfast(NI) court in 2000 after being caught with a Real IRA mortar bomb on his way to blow up a police station on Armistice Day, was welcomed as guest by the Russian embassy in Dublin(R of I).

Oct 5, 2024

 Sinn FĂ©in did not revoke former press officer Michael McMonagle's security pass at Stormont,  nor warn British Heart Foundation in a job reference request that MM was facing child sex charges. Then blamed that omission on possibly harming a pending police investigation, which the cops call bullsh^t.

How was  McDonald unaware of  McMonagle's crimes, then spend more time apologizing to BHF , who hired him, then to the citizens of NI.

Previous blog Two Irelands-more coming

Sunday, September 15, 2024

Protest news-free Saturday part 3

 Lured(1947) is an entertaining flick filled with fun banter between Lucille Ball and George Sanders. The segment which features Boris Karloff as a fashion designer trying to re-live or re-create his glory days from the past is interesting.

The main theme about the danger in answering personal want ads remains with us.

Sept 30, 2024

Kim Novak , wearing that green dress  while playing a sales  clerk in Vertigo. Also, liked  the green car

October 6, 2024

I watched Blood on the Moon, a 1948 flick featuring Robert Mitchum and Robert Preston.  No good guys in this tale about cattle rustlers. 

Walter Brennan's character Kris Barden stole some scenes.  

Phyllis Thaxter's character Carol Lufton nabbed my attention in a few scenes.


Saturday, September 14, 2024

Beating the drums of escalating war.

 Secretaries for Democrats: McNamara(Defense) for JFK and LBJ. Blinken (State)for Biden. Vietnam/Ukraine- I'm getting that Deja Vu feeling.

And many folks thought  LBJ was safer than Goldwater in 1964!

Sept 26, 2024

What does Zelensky do with the $$$? Ukraine's state railways plan  to increase freight tariffs  by 67%, which will hit struggling farmers and lead to a fall in production and export volumes.

For example, the cost of grain transportation will increase by 50-60 hryvnia per ton and will lead to an increase in farmers' expenses during the war by about two billion.

Oct 15, 2024

Odessa, or "Little Chicago", has a long history of being run by gangsters going back to Yaponchyk((Wee Jap).

Previous blog. Jimmy Carter

Thursday, May 2, 2024

More reboots of Incorrect chatter

 Lightning coach Cooper apologized for saying “might as well put skirts” on goalies, which is borrowed from Jack Lambert's comment on Quarterbacks.

This pompous response to the apology irked me: Brock McGillis, ex- hockey player who came out as gay, tweeted. “We all say or do the wrong thing. Be accountable, apologize and don’t do it again.” F off, Brock

I'm a Red Wings fan but props to the Chicago Blackhawks for keeping their name chosen by its founder Frederic McLaughlin, a WW1 commander in the 86th Infantry Division, known as the "Blackhawk Division."

May 15, 2024

Will the NFL punish Harris Butker for his commencement speech at Benedictine College? He is working against the cultural emasculation of men and criticized Pride Month and Joe Biden.

June 11 2024

Temporary sanity from Judge Sherman in CA. Restraining  order asserts that the CA academic workers walkout  stemmed from non-labor issues and violated the no-strike clause in the union's contract.

June 23, 2024

Rasmussen poll: 58% of American Adults approve of Butker expressing his religious beliefs, 38%  strongly approve

July 11, 2024

"Do not count on us to scam, loot and endanger Spaniards." VOX threatens to end coalitions with centrer right People's Party over an agreement to transfer  400 alleged, underage migrants from the Canary Islands to continental Spain.

Vox claims that many migrants designated as underage are of age.

Sept 7, 2024

Starmer visit Biden  again- make it stop.  Probably to promote jailing "bad" American tweeters

Sept 23, 2024

Duke Machado: “If we’re not careful, we’ll slide into Cuba and Venezuela. Their ultimate goal is to destroy capitalism."

When he was asked if it was responsible to share fears that the Democrats could turn the USA into a communist country.  And his focus toward Latino exiles who had fled repression.

 He said: “It’s not irresponsible at all. I see it as a duty.”

Oct 4, 2024

Starmeir wants to put the Brexit years behind us and have more mature relations with the EU. Perhaps he should try being mature at home.

Thursday, February 22, 2024

Japan/Taiwan/Asia in 2024

  Japan's semiconductor industry is getting a boost from Taiwanese chip companies' expansion here to support a new TSMC (2330.TW) plant.

 Shifting alliances and priorities in the global chip industry are on the increase with the United States pushing to limit China's progress in cutting-edge semiconductors and strengthen its other partnerships. 

Is Japan going to expand its military, too?

Feb 29, 2024

Sri Lanka may stop visa extensions for Russian an Ukranian tourists trying to escape the war. The Tourism ministry has been receiving complaints about some Russian tourists running illegal businesses in the southern part of the country.

March 2, 2024

Border Guard Bangladesh (BGB) and coast guard have intensified patrols at the border to deter more refugees from the Myanmar civil war.

March 12, 2024

Hey Joe Biden: Since you gave the Taliban control in 2021, Afghan females have lost access to education & employment, and face arbitrary arrests over how they wear their hijabs.

March 18, 2024

Pakistan unleashed airstrikes on hideouts of the Pakistani Taliban inside Afghanistan. This occurred two days after a suicide bombing targeted a Pakistan army post near the Afghan border.

May 9, 2024

Pakistan's military claims a suicide bomb attack in March in Pakistan's northern Khyber Pakhtunkhwa province, that killed five Chinese engineers, was planned in Afghanistan by an Afghan national.

Taliban issues a denial

May 21, 2024

 Iran's Supreme National Security Council has allocated funds for the construction of a concrete wall and a border fence in Central Khorasan. Turkey built a wall along its border with Afghanistan.

Taliban takeover of Afghanistan when the USA left has been  the major trigger for the building of these walls.

May 31, 2024

Rasoulof, an Iranian filmmaker on temporary home arrest, fled to Germany. His cellmates told him about a secret route over the mountains to the border , which he took to freedom.

Rasoulof chose Germany for his exile because "The Seed of the Sacred Fig" was being edited in Hamburg He had lived in Germany once , so his information was on file with the German authorities, and they were able to ID him without his passport, which the Iranian police had seized.

June 13, 2024

Lee Jae-myung, South Korea's main opposition leader, was indicted on bribery charges in an alleged scheme to use Ssangbangwoo, an underwear maker, to transfer funds to North Korea to promote a commercial project.

June 28, 2024

Bye ,bye what remains of Hong Kong's autonomy. School kids in HK criticized for singing the Chinese national anthem too softly.

 Here's the goal: "unifying thoughts" and "gathering strength for building a strong country".

July 3, 2024

Break-dancing sessions for senior citizens is all the rage in Tokyo. 🙄

July 10, 2024

 Beijing courts can issue the death penalty to "Taiwan independence" supporters. This includes trials in- absentia.

China claims the  new guidelines target a small number of die-hard 'Taiwan independence' separatists."

July 15, 2024

 Alice Guo, mayor of Bambon in the Philippines, who has been accused of being a Chinese spy has gone into hiding,  She's ignored Senate subpoenas  about scam centers being used as cover for text scams, human trafficking etc, in her town.

Ri Khu, a senior North Korean diplomat based in Cuba, defected with his wife and child to South Korea in November. No further details other than  he flew out of Cuba with his family. That's wild using Cuba  as the starting point of an escape from Communism. 

July 27, 2024

Ok China: MDNAA controls Lashio, Mynamar, about 74 miles from the Chinese border. Perhaps it's time to place a call to the Burma junta , who has lost control of 80% of the country.

Aug 1, 2024

Most of the migrants traveled from Turkey to breakaway north Cyprus and then attempted to cross into Cyprus before being barred by Cypriot authorities and left in a buffer zone. UNHCR expects Cyprus to take them. How about calling Ergodan and sending them back to Turkey.

Aug 5, 2024

Bangladesh PM Sheikh Hasina resigned and left the country yesterday. I bet most of the UK hopes Starmer does the same thing.

Aug 19, 2024

Myanmar authorities released Hiroshi Kasamatsu, a Japanese Aeon manager who was sentenced  to one year in prison for violating rice price controls.

Aug 23, 2024

Hey Joe Biden: The Taliban set up a ministry for the “propagation of virtue and the prevention of vice” in 2021 and just banned women’s voices and bare faces in public.

Aug 26, 2024

Japan's scrambled jets against a Chinese Y9 reconnaissance aircraft that breached its airspace this morning over the Danjo Islands to the west of the southern island of Kyushu

Sept 10 2024

Consider yourself lucky: David Missal, a German citizen , graduate of Hong Kong U, and member of a pro-Tibet NGO, was refused entry to Hong Kong

Sept 20, 2024

Has anyone asked Kamala about the Taliban being in control of 39 Afghan embassies globally?

Saturday, January 27, 2024

"Eastern" Europe changing times

Metropolitan Ieronymos, bishop of Athens and all Greece, is claiming it remains committed to tradition, while proposing that the children in a same sex family can be baptized when they reach a certain age and express a desire for the sacrament. 

Baptism is traditionally conducted in early childhood, but the church will adapt to changing times.

Compromise🤔 Not sure it sells well.

Jan 28, 2024
Czech Republic's upper house Senate voted against the Istanbul Convention, a treaty with a long title about combatting violence against women. Opponents feel it deviates from "traditional roles" for men and women in society and has not reduced violence in countries that have ratified it. Clauses concerning LBGT rights, particular the wording on gender identity, are hot points for treaty opponents.
Feb 8, 2024
 Finnish Air Force will participate in NATO's air defense mission over Bulgaria, Romania, and the Black Sea. 
Finland's Minister of Defense, Antti Heikkinen, stated that next year, Finland will contribute to NATO's peacetime missions with a Navy ship and eight Air Force F/A-18 Hornet fighters.
Feb 10, 2024
Kosovo's President Osmani wants more NATO's Kosovo Force (KFOR) to deal with Serbia. In September 2023, Serb gunmen stormed a majority Serb village in northern Kosovo and barricaded themselves in a Serbian Orthodox monastery. It never ends. Both countries want to join the EU.
Feb 19, 2024
Margrethe1 derided as "King Breechless"for favoring Denmark too often while ruling(1397-1412) over the tenuous union of Norway, Denmark, and Sweden.
March 9, 2024
March, 3,1878) result of Russo-Turkish War: Actual independence from Ottoman rule was given only to the Principality of Bulgaria (present-day northern Bulgaria and the Sofia region)
April 2, 2024
Transnistria is wedged between Moldova and Ukraine and is home to a military base with 1,500 Russian troops. It broke off from Moldova in the 1990s but isn’t recognized by any U.N. member countries and most of its residents wants to be a part of Russia.
April 4, 2024
In the middle of March 2024, contact was established between German and Bulgarian authorities who went on to discover a warehouse in Yambol region of Bulgaria, which contained a military arsenal in a car repair shop.

Pictures of guns and magazines were found on the mobile phone of one of four suspected Hamas'  members arrested in Berlin and Rotterdam in December 2023. Their alleged intention was to transport the arms to Berlin for potential attacks on Jewish institutions across Europe.
April 19, 2024
Croatia: HDZ holds on to power but will have to work with the anti-immigrant Rodina party to form a coalition. HDZ got 60 seats, Rodina 14
 pro-Russian coalition led by populist president Zoran Milanović's "Rivers of Justice," secured 42 seats.
May 11, 2024
 Polish farmers march against 'green poison', EU climate change rules. General sentiment is that these rules raise prices for everything and belong in the trash bin.
May 15, 2024
The EU migration and asylum pact was ratified despite opposition from Poland, Hungary, and Slovakia. Czech Republic, Malta, and Austria abstained during the final vote.
Countries who do not accept migrants have to choose one of three options: 
to contribute financially to their upkeep 
deploy border guards to assist with border security 
 establish reception centers.

AUR is using caravans to reach rural areas and provide medical care. Its goal is to win 10 of Romania's 33 seats in the European Parliament and to work with others to change what it views as Ursula von der Leyen's "destructive" policies on migration and green energy.
AUR has clashed with the ethnic Hungarian minority and faced allegations that its members are Holocaust deniers.
May 29, 2024
Denmark's Foreign Minister Lars Lokke Rasmussen recently said the Danish government could not recognize a Palestinian state because it doesn't have a single functioning authority or control over its own territory. Yesterday, Danish Parliament rejected a proposal to recognize a Palestinian state.
June 22, 2024
Lebanon's government isn't handling the fallout from Nasrallah's (Hezbollah) suggestion of making Cyprus a target. 
How quickly some forget that Cyprus( geographically a part of West Asia) encouraged  its EU partners to offer Lebanon financial assistance. 
June 27, 2024
MK airbase,12 miles from the Black Sea coast in Romania , is stocking up and becoming NATO's biggest airbase in Europe
Sept 1, 2024
Ain't going to happen: Ukraine  urged Mongolia to arrest Putin during his visit there( based on an ICC war crimes warrant .
ICC claims Putin failed to stop the unlawful deportation of children from Ukraine to Russia since the conflict began.
 Fadi el-Abdallah, a spokesperson for the ICC,  claims ICC court States Parties which includes Mongolia, "have the obligation to cooperate in accordance with the Chapter IX of the Rome Statute", the agreement which set up the court.
Oct, 13, 2024
George Simion, who's running for president on the AUR ticket in November, criticized Austria's stance, calling for the country to shed its "imperial reflexes" in delaying Romania's full accession into the Schengen Zone. 

Thursday, November 9, 2023

Shaking statues

 Tearing down history takes us down dangerous paths. The statue of Thaddeus Kosciuszko, a Polish born military engineer who help us during the American Revolution, was vandalized a few years ago. WTF. More to come.

In 2001 the Taliban, claiming they were following Islamic law, tore down a statue of Buddha in Bamiyan, Afghanistan.

In 2018 a red angel-shaped statue named Phylax by Greek artist Kostis Georgiou was torn down in  southern Athens, Greece. Black-clad protesters viewed it as Satan like.

Portland: Elk statue was damaged during Occupy Portland protests in 2011. The elk and fountain were donated to Portland by a former mayor David P. Thompson, in 1900 to honor elk that once roamed the Willamette Valley.
The statue was again a target in 2020 and the Regional Arts Council decided the piece needed to be removed for public safety reasons.

In 2018, a bronze statue depicting two children honoring the national anthem in Patterson Park in Baltimore, was defaced with red paint. The words “Racistt Anthem” were painted in front of it.
It was paid for by pennies from public school students more than a century ago. 
The plaque on the statue read:
 “To commemorate the centennial of the writing of the Star-Spangled Banner, the pupils of the public schools of Baltimore have erected this memorial upon Hampstead Hill where in September,1814, the citizen soldiers of Maryland stood ready to sacrifice their lives in defense of their homes and their country.”
Feb 1, 2024
A reminder from Orwell in the book 1984: "History has stopped. Nothing exists except an endless present in which the Party is always right.” 

Jonathan Cook" Tearing down statues isn’t vandalism. It’s at the heart of the democratic tradition." I guess he lost his dictionary!

earlier blog statues tumble

Sunday, August 13, 2023

Reboot: Figure it out

 Spain's gals' soccer team reaches the World Cup semifinal for the first time after defeating Netherlands 2-1. They made it despite unsuccessful efforts to dislodge Coach Jorge Vilda and the ensuing discord. Maybe lessons learned for all sides? 

Aug 15, 2023

In a seesaw game Spain edges Sweden 3-2 and is going to the WWC final.  Less complaints about Coach Vilda now?

Aug 19, 2023

Spain vs England in final on Aug 20. Coach Valdi tells press we're united and doesn't want to talk about the old mutiny news. He!! of a run for Spain ladies. An old sports adage. Winning cures a lot of ills.

Aug 21, 2023

Spain 1 England 0. Carmona scores the winner for Spain in the WWC.

Charges of attempted rape were dropped against Greenwood(Manchester), but some say his return to the team is not a move forward in terms of proper respect for diversity and inclusion. This new "religion" is a slippery slope.

Aug 24, 2023

 Eamonn Holmes catches flack for dismissing honors for second place Brit gals in WWC. Brit 1966 WC champs: In 1966 it was customary for only the 11 players on the pitch at the final whistle to be awarded medals.

Sept 10, 2023

Spain fires Vilda. The team won the WWC despite 12 of the country's best players quitting in 2022.

Sept 17, 2023

Monste TomĂ©, named the first female coach of Spain’s women’s team, but the players continue to rebel. Good luck getting another WWC.

Oct 15, 2023

Sanchez's Socialists are talking with Catalan and Basque separatist groups to avoid an election. Huge move and may cause more trouble for Spain. Sanchez is desperate to stay in office.

Nov 8, 2023

In Spain the General Council of the Judiciary, the body that picks top judges, stated that pardoning Catalan politicians, will imperil the rule of law.

This is a response to the Catalan amnesty plan floated by PM Sanchez.

Dec 3, 2023

Isabel Ayuso, an anti-lockdown crusader, crushed Iglesias, whom she called a Communist, to return as a President of the Madrid Region. Stores and bars supported her.

 Of course, most of the press is focused on her possibly working with Vox.

Dec 11, 2023

Olive oil- a luxury item in Spain? Rise in its exports, the problem?

 Italians sell Spanish olive oil under their own brands, so many consumers now believe that the Italians and not the Spanish are the market leaders in the olive business.

Jan 30, 2024

A rally in Madrid against Catalan amnesty bill which was a main condition by Catalan parties for agreeing to support Sanchez's coalition government.

 Spain's lower house of Parliament votes on the bill today and if approved, the law will block legal action against hundreds of Catalan activists who are being investigated or have been charged for their roles in the attempts to declare an independent Catalan state in 2017.

April 25, 2024

Sanchez, Spain PM, will cancel his work duties to focus on his wife Begonia Gomez, who is facing accusations of corruption from a Spanish court. 

She's accused of receiving favors from airline Air Europa and its Spanish holding company Globalia during her time as director of an African research center at Madrid's IE business school.

May 19, 2024

Spain's Transport Minister Oscar Puente suggests that Milei "ingested substances" during last year's Argentine election campaign. 

Milei is expected in Spain in two weeks to participate in an event organized by VOX and claims Sanchez' policies are bringing "death and poverty" to the Spanish people.

May 23, 2024

Spain, Norway, Republic of Ireland are going to recognize  the Palestinian state on May 28.  Clueless Norway PM Store blames Hamas for the terror as if it's not running Palestine.

August 9, 2024

Carles Puigdemont, a Catalan politician wanted on various charges, managed to slip in and out of Spain because police waited until the end of his talk in order to detain him "at the most opportune time so as not to generate public disorder."

Regardless of how you view Puigdemont, this is crazy.

Catalan regional police  arrested two of their own officers for assisting his escape.

Previous blog: reboot redneck

Wednesday, July 26, 2023

Catsup Canada

 Trudy reshuffles cabinet amid soaring interest rates, wildfires, etc, but is more concerned with bashing Bebe. As goofy as his dad Pierre.

Clinics in Calgary, and elsewhere in Canada are offering membership fees and finding ways to skirt around the law. Apparently, folks are requesting ways to get better service.

Canada censors social media. Here's a line from the late Gord Downie's, "Boots or hearts". See when it starts,To fall apart, Man, it really falls apart.

Sept 20, 2023

Trudeau accuses India of involvement in the death of Nijjar, 45, in British Columbia but offers no proof. India says Ninjar was a bad guy, Both sides are goofy, so far.

Sept 26, 2023.

Hey Rota, a quick glance at a history book would've helped. Dear Canada, try vetting. you would've learned that old soldier was in a Ukranian Nazi squad.

Oct 4, 2023

Trudy's word for the day: Denialism. Good luck Canada!

Oct 22, 2023

Canada pledges additional $50 million to help Palestinians in the Gaza Strip. F'N crazy!

Nov 26, 2023

Poilievre's Conservatives vote against carbon tax for Ukraine. CUFTA still made it through the committee stage.but Trudy keeps whining.

Feb 28, 2024

Trudy's Liberal pals in Canada introduced a bill claiming to combat online hate that would force major companies to quickly remove harmful content and boost the penalty for inciting genocide to life in prison. Of course, they use the cover of protecting children from online predators.

Who defines genocide?

April 6, 2024

CRA reversed a rule change just days before the T3 filing deadline, after many taxpayers already had done their (Bare Trust )preparation work.

Bare trust:  a person has legal ownership of a property or asset but doesn't hold beneficial ownership.

May 4, 2024

 Canadian police arrested and charged three Indian men with the murder of Nijjar, a Canadian citizen campaigning for the creation of Khalistan, an independent Sikh homeland carved out of India. This keeps getting uglier.

May 13, 2024

Trudeau Backs Away from Tax Threat on REIT s, breaking a power sharing promise to the NDP to tackle the so called financialization of the housing market.

June 8, 2024

The Bank of Canada trimmed its key policy rates to 4.75% from 5%, and is the first G7 country to do so, in an attempt to ease pressure on highly indebted consumers. 

I'm not feeling a  downward trajectory on inflation.

June 26 2024

Trudy's Liberal Party lost a safe seat in a special election.Conservative  Don Stewart won the race in the Toronto-St Paul's constituency. First time a conservative has won there since 1988.

 Election was called after the previous legislator quit.

Aug 22, 2024

Trudeau on rail freight traffic coming to a standstill over labor dispute.“It is in the best interest of both sides to continue doing the hard work at the table,”. Tiresome cliche from Trudy

(CN) and CPKC railroads both locked out their employees after the deadline passed yesterday without new agreements.

Sept 21, 2024

Trudy's poll numbers are below 30%. Trudeau's Liberal Party lost a crucial parliament seat in a special election in Montreal a few days ago.

The narrow loss in Montreal's federal electoral district of LaSalle-Émard-Verdun is the second defeat in three months for Trudeau's minority Liberal government.Liberal candidate Laura Palestini cfinished behind the Bloc Quebecois candidate, Louis-Philippe Sauvé.

 earlier blog Hawaii Canada

Thursday, June 1, 2023

Local print media-more stories 2023

  Packers claim it will cost $7.5 million to host the 2025 NFL draft and expect to lose $$$ on the event. Two local state GOP politicians submitted a motion to the Wisonsin Legislature’s seeking a $2 million grant for Experience Greater Green Bay, a group that promotes tourism in the Green Bay area. Perhaps they should file for a loan to be paid back by 2026.  Sales tax revenue from tourists should cover this easily. 

June 2, 2023
Steve Garvey, former 1B for Dodgers and Padres, may run for the US Senate seat in California.
I forgot about this from 1989:  Cyndy Garvey was released from jail one day after she was arrested for refusing to allow her ex-husband, Steve Garvey, court-ordered visits with their two daughters.    In the same year SG admitted that he had fathered the children of two other women and one of them is suing him.
June 19, 2023
San Fran Mayor is mad about a GMA claim it’s ‘too dangerous to film’ in the downtown area, while Biden wants to hold fundraisers in the area in 2024.
July 6, 2023
Nearly 30 train cars crashed in Reeseville, WI in Dodge County, spilling grain and potash. No one was hurt. Another derailment occurred in Crawford County, WI in April. Where's "Mayor" Pete?
July 18, 2023
 Bandimere Speedway, a longtime stop west of Denver on the NHRA circuit, will be sold for residential development. It may be tricky finding another location for drag racing in the Denver area.
Aug 11, 2023
Big Ed's BBQ is expanding in the Midwest. Eddie Nero, the owner, got an early boost from some former Chicago Bears, Jason McKie and Devin Hester. Is the food tasty?
Oct 12, 2023
 CHICKEN FRIED DEVILED EGGS-tasty in local 21236 joint. The Local had some melt-in your mouth apps last night.  those eggs : buttermilk and herb marinade, B&B pickle relish, rosemary
hot sauce, chives. Hot sauce was sweet than kicked in hot.
Oct 24, 2023
  The Phandemic Brew, cool beer name, in Phillies' land. New Jersey brewery, Red White and Brew, has carved out a niche at Citizens Park. 

Dec 12, 2023
K Williams was arrested in Fort Calhoun, Nebraska on charges of homicide for knifing Rev S Cutsgell.  In 2007, SG pleaded guilty to embezzling 127K from an area church. He was sentenced to probation and ordered to pay restitution. Diocese reassigned him to another church. 
Dec 22, 2023
Black barbershops are creating a buzz − over books. So young readers can just 'be boys.

 Alvin Irby, founder of Barbershop Books, has been placing a popular series of children's chapter books in neighborhood shops, including the Germantown section of Philadelphia. 

Black boys are more than just their skin color. They want to read about trucks. They want to laugh. So many of the books that feature black boys don't give them a chance to be boys: silly or gross or funny." quote from Irby.
Jan 15, 2024
Bob Evans restaurant employees confronted Marquis Walker, a New Castle, DE resident, after he paid with a counterfeit $100 bill, but he started to argue with employees and refused to give back the change that he received. He gave back the change, took the counterfeit $100 bill. Delaware State Police chased him on foot and arrested him. He is charged with trying to pay a restaurant bill with a counterfeit $100 bill and with carrying more fake currency.
Jan 18 2024
Baltimore City supports passage of the Pava Marie LaPere Act in the Maryland General Assembly. It will eliminate “good-time credits” for first-degree sex offenders. 
Billingsley, who is is charged with the murder of Pava Marie LaPere, a 26-year-old tech company CEO killed in 2023, received credits following a 2015 conviction on a sex offense.
Billingsley was also charged with a west Baltimore arson in 2023, where investigators claim he raped a woman, handcuffed a man, and slashed their throats in the apartment and then set them on fire.
Jan 22, 2024
Claymont, DE man sentenced to only 6.5 years for blowing up and robbing ATMs in the Philly area in 2020. I can't find his name in the reports.
March 3, 2024
 In Norfolk VA, Port of Virginia opened a two-way passage allowing ultra-large container vessels to travel through and is dredging it and the Norfolk Harbor to 55 feet deep and the ocean approach to 59 feet deep. 
When $450M dredging project is done in fall, The Port of Virginia will have the deepest, widest channels on the USA East Coast.
It quite a site to be on a tour boat and ride by the aircraft carriers in that area.
March 8, 2024
What's that smell around Millsboro DE? Officials claim it's a rotten egg smell caused by the dredging of the Indian river. Others ain't buying that claim.
 Its bringing decaying organic material to the surface and dumping it in nearby wetlands.
April 10, 2024
Who are the good guys? Bull City United, a  Durham, NC-based group of violence interrupters and outreach workers, has issues.
Nicole Taybron, 40, a BCU employee, was arrested earlier this week on a charge of possession with intent to sell and deliver crack cocaine. 
May 18, 2024
 Pot plants were spotted amidst a tulip patch near the capitol building in downtown Madison, WI and removed . No comment yet from Gov. Evers.
May 24, 2024
Norfolk Southern, which did not admit wrongdoing, agreed to a proposed consent decree estimated to cost them  over $310 million to resolve a government lawsuit over a February 2023 train derailment in East Palestine, Ohio.
June 3, 2024
Headed to NC this week and  I"ll be wary.   NC Highway Patrol pursued Kahshon Nahkiem Cunningham and Promise Allure Hope on several drug charges. The chase started in Wilson Mills off of U.S. 70 and went through Johnston County and  reached speeds of 145 mph. 
Suspects gave up peacefully and drugs were found on Hope.
June 9, 2024
In Raleigh, NC, a barber is required to complete 59 steps and 17 forms to open a barbershop.
June 29, 2024
Enjoying the lead-in line --Business heats up ----for South Raleigh,NC ice-making plant. Holiday Ice peak season.
July 29, 2024
Hopefully, UNC abides by a lawsuit settlement which includes a commitment to follow the state's open-meeting laws including discussions on  future conference alignment.
Missed this on -going news on this while I was in Chapel , NC in early June, 2024.about David McKenzie's lawsuit against UNC. He got 25K.

Two Irelands - more coming

John Connolly, who was jailed for 14 years by a Belfast(NI) court in 2000 after being caught with a Real IRA mortar bomb on his way to blow ...