Thursday, April 4, 2013

Style book- Orwell was prophetic.

David Bowie  sang 1984

, who could ask for more? Apparently, the Associated Press thinks we need more words to replace illegal immigrants, and they have a guide called style book. Perhaps bland or mind-numbing would be apter adjectives.  This latest attempt to alter the USA immigration debate is taking us down   a path in which we will be afraid to call a spade, a spade.  Yep, I said it .

Bowie used the word fag in a number of songs in the 1970's and 80's . Scream like a baby

Patti Smith  tried to re-define nigger in the late 1970's as outside of society in the song : rock & roll nigger

 Fast forward: Today it seems that you must be a member of the group you are commenting on and possibly deriding. Black rap bands freely use the word nigger. Gay have tossed the term fag around forever, but today it's homophobic for straights to use that term in the sports arena or anywhere else.

Freedom  isn't always pretty but it's worth a little pain. This over-sensitivity towards another's feelings is the first layer of the concrete of repression.

I lost count of how many times gays snidely refer to straights as breeders, but that's allegedly ok  cuz they're a minority. BTW,  it didn't make me run to a law office to sue.

Add more examples and I'll return to continue the discussion

4/24/13   Many of the tunes on the Honi Soit album were about dealing with military action. I think Cale is using the word- nigger- to describe a fellow struggler who happens to be dark. Artists often strive to not be limited by how others define words.

Like lovers below Bataan, below the senses
Cause the senses smell of tears
While we and nigger marched

Wilson Joliet by John Cale

08/14/13: Be wary of orthodox thought. In 1984, Julie, a  member of the Junior Anti-Sex league, was promiscuous.  The do as I say not as I do crowd knows no shame.

Liberals promoting bad public schools while sending their kids to the best private schools.

Federal politicians exempting themselves from the nightmares of ObamaCare(less)


I had to mention this: Patriot News in Pa retracts a Nov 19, 1863. editorial that panned the Gettysburg address. Really? What does this prove? Can we retract everything ever said and/or written?

off the air: Balwdin learns that cocksucker is an anti-gay slur
on the air: Bashir suggest someone should crap in Palins mouth
MSNBC retains Bashir  and cans Baldwin.

Even Orwell could not have imagined MSNBC.


Add Ergodan  to the  Orwellian club. here's his comments on shutting down Twitter to cover his corruption.
"They will see the power of the Turkish Republic. This has nothing to do with freedom-shmeedom. Freedom is not invading someone's privacy."

Delay now means accommodation according to the BO Care team. Orwell turns over in his grave again.


Ergodan's clampdown on Twitter includes   wanting them to pay more Turkish taxes. Did Orwell foresee that angle?

right to be forgotten is this the right to control or rewrite  history. strange ruling since Google linked but didn't write the original story don't google me

So Ergodan thinks Israeli's barbarism has surpassed Hitler's? Watch out Turkish citiznens,  Ergodan is intent on   runninjg secularists to the ground and making Turkey an Islamic state again.

Interesting  op-ed .  Elif Shafak   I agree the Turkish pledge was a bit  strong, however I never felt my  individuality was strained by the USA Pledge. The rest of the article enlightens.
The Prime Minister tells us that every Turkish woman should have at least three children while the government talks about the need for creating a "new, pious Muslim youth."


Turkey is being led further away from secularism by Ergodan. Is an Islamic state coming to all their neighborhoods.

This thread  has been Turkey- topped lately, but the level of dis-information from Ergodan's crew rises daily. Most folks sense their action are  more about the demise of the Kurds than ISIS(L). link

Turkish Deputy Prime Minister Yalcin Akdogan said that Turkey was doing "whatever can be done" for Kobane.
He said that it was a "massive lie" that his country had done nothing for the town's inhabitants.
Mr Akdogan: Actions speak louder than words.

talking Turkey again. Ergodan arrest members of the press, blames it all on Gulen, and gives the middle finger to the EU.Yep , he's a secularist .:wink:  ergodan

As Turkey moves closer to a theocracy and clamps down on the press, a local newspaper in Turkey has started filling its front page with recipes with satirical titles such as deputy's finger. link

don't call ergodan average or you could face jail time     link

Four young people were arrested in four days last week on different charges of insulting the Ergodan during street protests this month.  link

Ergodan is as close to elected dictator as one can get.  link
  • During Mr Erdogan's time in office (Prime Minister 2003-14, President from 2014), 63 journalists have been sentenced to a total of 32 years in prison, with collective fines of $128,000
Cartographic aggression. I'm no fan of Al Jazeera but  is this too much

 India has taken al-Jazeera off air for five days, claiming that it had shown wrong maps of Kashmir.
Yes, I think Turkey is a key player in themess in Syria & Iraq. Ergodan's domestic power grab may fail, and his regional mess is being exposed. link
 Turkey's state intelligence agency helped deliver arms to parts of Syria under Islamist rebel control during late 2013 and early 2014, according to a prosecutor and court testimony from gendarmerie officers seen by Reuters.

Big day for the Kurds and finally a bad electoral day for Ergodan. turkey elections
 The vote turned on the historic performance at the ballot box of Turkey’s Kurdish minority, which aligned with liberals and secular Turks opposed to Mr. Erdogan’s leadership to win almost 13 percent of the vote, passing the legal threshold for earning representation in Parliament.
Turkey bombs the Kurds in northern Iraq while ISIS rolls on. No coordination

Could the three other parties, CHP, MHP, & HDP, form a new Govt w/o the AKP. Tension increases in Turkey. link

The gun control debate stirs more statistical  juggling  and shifting than last minute fantasy football roster  moves with that in mind I offer this from John Cale's song Magazines:
What wouldn't be lost if loud men diedMagazines of gun
Take it any way you like

 The BBC gives a variety of angles on the problems in Turkey. Here's one point that nabbed my attention: hdp
 The pro-Kurdish HDP party has blamed the state. That is undoubtedly a reference to the so-called "deep state" often talked about here: a shady mix of nationalist forces either colluding with or supporting the government in power.
Ergodan raids press offices just before  more run-off elections. Hope the Turks vote against the AKP Sunday. press crackdown
“They have their own version of reality,” she said of Erdoğan and the ruling AKP. “An Ottoman dream, a palace. Erdoğan and his world see anyone opposing that reality as a threat. Even the tiniest criticism is perceived as a threat.”
Free speech can be expensive .   Naji Jerf, 38, a vocal critic of the so-called Islamic State,was shot with a silenced pistol in downtown Gaziantep, near the Syrian border. jerf
what's happened to san diego- why did they consider it? link

San Diego backs off ban of 'gender-biased' term 'Founding Fathers'

Ergodan practices repression domestically but the EU wants to allow Turks to travel without visas to Europe's passport-free. Schengen area. EU is desperate and won't make Turkey  follow through on less repression.
Turkish news has dominated this blog because Ergodan has turned the country into a restrictive theocracy. Now they're pissed that US special forces in Syria are wearing insignia of Kurdish militia. Mostly they're doing it to blend in. Plus  the Kurds have been our ally warriors in Iraq  & Syria while the Turks have twisted in the wind. yes, I know the Turks and Kurds have a bad history.
 Memorial Day weekend and  I recall  a Navy vet of the  Vietnam war telling me that he was sent to Cyprus after Nam, and it felt crazier because both sides were shooting at us. Turkey responded  in July 1974 to a coup led by Greek Cypriots.

Ergodans's theocratic dictatorship has  led to a  military coup in Turkey. Military has stressed:  “All international agreements are still valid. We hope that all of our good relationships with all countries will continue.”
Ergodan is whining about the world not liking him after he suppressed a coup. His clampdown is in full effect as he marches Turkey toward a theocratic dictatorship. Meanwhile he  withdrew  all lawsuits against people charged with insulting him. Now there's a man who understands democracy-LOL
Must be clampdown season: Police in Zimbabwe arrested ,Victor Matemadanda, secretary-general of the Zimbabwe National Liberation War Veterans Association, in a growing crackdown on critics of President Robert #Mugabe after a series of rare protests.
Orwellian nightmare goes on and on. It blows my mind that #TheSlants, an Asian -american band,  have had to  fight for five years to get a  SCOTUS hearing to acquire a trademark for their band name. Meanwhile bands ,#Yellowman, #redman , etc are trademarked.  Too much "sensitivity" going on. 
Some folks are standing up to the word police. Malaysian Tourism and Culture Minister #NazriAziz slammed the ruling by a Malaysian religous government body that  hot dogs must be renamed,  calling it "stupid and backward".
"Hot dog is hot dog lah. Even in Malay it's called hot dog - it's been around for so many years. I'm a Muslim and I'm not offended,".
Let's focus more on these Muslims with some common sense

#Wilders in 2014 wanted "fewer or more Moroccans" in the Netherlands. After supporters chanted back "fewer", he replied: "We'll organise that."Now he faces hate sppech charges in Schiphol, Holland. Hope this crap isn't headed to the USA.
Major problems in the world but don't call the dictator fat.
Chinese websites are censoring "Kim Fatty the Third", a nickname widely used to disparage North Korean leader #KimJongUn,
I watched a little bit of #christinehefner 's comments during the a symposium on #LennyBruce and was glad she stressed the way to deal with what you may perceive as insensitive comments is MORE SPEECH.
Ergodan is a dictator: A judge on Monday remanded in custody a cook, Senol Buran, who is alleged to have told police he would not serve President Erdogan a cup of tea.
Return to #Orwell:
"If liberty means anything at all, it means the right to tell people what they do not want to hear." 
To #Ted Koppel: Just a reminder about real, not imagined, attacks on journalists: #Turkey is currently the world's largest jailer of journalists - with some 150 behind bars.
#ergodan  wants to run Germany and Holland and the world. Hope the #turks don't give him more power.  He just helped #Wilders chances in the upcoming Dutch election
"Netherlands 'will pay the price' for blocking Turkish visit-Ergodan"
My Earth day sign "remember #Anglia U emails" when the "hockey stick" scientists were caught hiding  results that didn't fit into their global warming agenda. #Orwellian
Orwell 101: #Ecuador fines several media outlets for not covering a left wing report, " #Lasso: the offshore tycoon", . Can't make this sh^t up!

#ergodan is issuing Interpol "red notices" to nab his critics, and #spain has obliged by arresting #Akhanli who will have his day in a Spanish extradition court. 
#ergodan wants to rule the world . The Turkish government criticised German authorities for allowing the #PKK’s imprisoned leader Abdullah Ocalan’s posters to be unfurled and group leaders’ messages to be read out during the rally in Germany.
I wonder what #orwell would think of this : Health professionals in England are going to ask patients aged 16 or over about their sexual orientation, under new NHS guidelines. The rationale:
 "no patient is discriminated against" and gays, bis and trannies will receive  better care. This is not an ONION report.
Give #ergodan a halloween mask of  Mussolini, Hitler,  Stalin, or name your dictator. 11 #AmnestyInternational chiefs on trial. in #Turkey
Fashion designer #Lagerfield criticized #Merkel's open door for migrants policy and said the word Holocaust on a French radio broadcast, and now may be investigated by the French media regulators. More #Orwellian everyday. 
#ergodan 'sTurkey gets scarier daily. Turkish authorities  ordered the detention of 13 people for supporting the national medical association online  opposition to a military campaign in Syria.
 About time:The White House on Saturday criticized China’s efforts to force foreign airlines to refer to Taiwan, Hong Kong and Macau as part of One China, labeling China’s latest effort to police language  as “ #Orwellian nonsense.”
#australia :  Rockhampton Regional Council painted over a Taiwan flag on a student art project in deference to #china not recognising Taiwan as a country.  #pathetic
I haven't seen #Hollywood saying  FU to #ergodan In Turkey where Kurdish-German singer #HozanCane was arrested  on terrorism charges. Some the evidence includes a scene from a movie that she directs and plays the lead role in, which depicts  genocide committed by the "Islamic State" group against the Yazidi minority in Iraq.
"Being pro-west and pro-NATO is a big crime in Turkey now." from Former Lieutenant Commander #CaferTopkaya who skipped out on house arrest in Turkey and landed in #brussels.  
Turkey 's currency the #Lira is in deep trouble and here's  their leader #ergodan 's answer  "They have the dollar, [but] we have our people … and Allah."
More than 1,000 employees of #Google have signed a letter demanding that the company come clean about an alleged secretive search engine  in the works for #China market that would ban information related to human rights, democracy and religion. So some folks at google have heard of Orwell! 
Adding some words to  a billboard attached to a truck at the #Berlin airport: #ergodan lands in Berlin (with full military honors), journalists land in prison.  #turkey #merkel
 #macron plan  to ban yellow-vested "troublemakers" from participating in demonstrations, similar to the way football hooligans are banned from stadiums has #Orwell turning over in his grave.
I'm guessing that #orwell would chuckle that seventy years later the #BritishCouncil would apologize for rejecting his essay, Defence of English Cooking, because it was "unwise to publish it for the continental reader". At this point , why bother.
 #macron considers banning protests on Champs Elysees. His knee-jerks again
#ergodan reaction to the Christchurch, NZ terrorism was to warn anti-Muslim Australians that they would be sent back in coffins like their grandfathers at Gallipoli.(world war 1). It looks as if there is no middle ground.
#ergodan 's AKP  suffered some losses in local elections and here was his newspeak reply: "perhaps his party could not express itself enough to some voters."
Dictator and Theocrat  #Ergodan rolls over foes: His #AKP party lost a mayoral  election in Istanbul so they're running another one, and #Demirag,  a journalist, was beaten up after moderating a TV show that discussed the new election. Also, German-Turkish journalist #DenizYücel claims he was tortured while being held in pretrial detention at Silivri prison near Istanbul.
More revision of history. It's one thing to remove statues , but dead bodies? 
Spain Prime Minister Pedro Sanchez, a Socialist, want to move #Franco 's remains on June 10 from his current resting place at the Valley of the Fallen to a public cemetery near Madrid claiming Spain could not "continue to glorify" the former dictator. The Supreme Court has delayed the move.
 The Catholic Church is giving into the Orwellian revision of history. Bishop #Irarrazaval in Chile resigned  for  commenting “we have to respect that” about  no women being seated at the table at the Last Supper.
#EkremImamoglu of the (CHP) secured 54.21% of votes in a re-run of the Istanbul Mayoral election in May. #ergodan must be seething.
  A Turkish court  banned 136 websites and social media accounts mainly those belonging to organizations and people critical of President Erdogan's government.
 Brazil’s Supreme Court rejected a request for the extradition of Ali Sipahi, a businessman and owner of restaurants in Sao Paulo and an opponent of  #Erdogan, stating there was no guarantee he would get a fair trial in Turkey.
 8/19/19-  #ergodan the Turkish dictator replaced three Kurdish  mayors,who received 60% of the popular vote with state officials in three cities and then detained more than 400 Kurds for suspected militant links
How about Comrade #Cuomo seizing ventilators from folks in upstate NY who prepared for tough situations to assist areas around NYC  that didn't prepare and calling it sharing. Paging #Orwell
 Laetitia Avia, the French MP behind an online hate speech law that will force platforms and search engines to remove prohibited content within 24 hours starting July 1, has been accused of  homophobic comments and apologized for using the expression “the fags’ amendment. Paging #Orwell
Finally, a little common sense: French constitutional court scrapped multiple provisions of an anti-hate speech law on the grounds that it violated the constitution. And as expected #Avia won't , "give up the fight to protect Internet users, victims or witnesses of online hatred."
After #VíctorObiols completed a  Catalan translation of Amanda Gorman's The Hill We Climb last month, Viking Books requested the work to be carried out by a female activist with African-American origins, if possible. Part of Obiols reply: 
"But if I cannot translate a poet because she is a woman, young, black, an American of the 21st Century, neither can I translate Homer because I am not a Greek of the eighth century BC.
#LinkedIn made a trade-off to accept Chinese censorship when it entered China in 2014 but still keeps making this claim: the company supports freedom of expression.  The most recent Communist Chinese dragnet was a deletion of entire profiles instead of individual posts.
You can't make this sh^t up. Julia, a feminist re-telling of Orwell’s novel 1984, has been approved by the estate of the late author. I guess the character Winston got too much ink and/or they don't understand the book 1984.
EU warned X, Meta, and TikTok over Israel-Hamas dis-information. When did the EU become the sole arbiter of truth? What the he!! is illegal content?



  1. I thought your title read "orwell was a prophylactic". It caused a serious double take.

    1. sportsg- LOL! Well, a style book could be defined as a protective shield.

    2. Of course, I agree with what you wrote here.

      I watch Shameless on Showtime and there's a character that's been embracing the use of the word "retard" because she has a Mongoloid grandson. They start a campaign called Retard Nation and wear shirts that say "I am a retard".( Note to self : get one for Scurds for his next birthday)

      It's over the top and shocking but not completely unbelievable given this world we now live in.

    3. When I taught school, I noticed normal kids claiming to be retards and in these cases it was more self-deprecation than mocking special ed kids.

  2. hahaha! i wouldn't wear it vape! not because it wouldn't fit, its just too derogatory a term now for a group that has no say. i totally get where you are coming from tho. but that one just feels a bit mean. i haven't seen that show, but i wonder if the grandmother is trying to hijack that negative word to take the sting out of it. i've heard that offered as a partial explanation for rappers and nigger, but in that case those guys try real hard to reinforce all of the negatives to the point where they are quite convincing.
    this phenomenon is occurring with muslims now. you can't use terrorist and muslim or islam in the same sentence anymore.

  3. anon- As to your last sentence, the jihadder who shot up Fort Hood is alleged to have committed workplace crimes not terrorism. Orwell has turned over so many times that the grave soil is well tilled.

    1. Yep. they're covering up Fort Hood for "fair trial" BS reasons.

    2. P A- Now the Hort Hood shooter gets to interrogate his victims-- amazing. I doubt if this would occur in the Lands Of Allah.

    3. PA- and still denying ft hood truth

  4. great example, buster. exactly.

  5. i thought about the retarded example a little bit more, and i actually think its a better example than i first thought. when i grew up that was the word, and nobody thought anything of it. then somehow it became terribly offensive. the word means "slow". not stupid, and not worthless. in fact it's kind of accurate, and even a little sensitive. so new words were tried. "handicapped". thrown out because it implies limitations. (huh?). "special". to me, that one is really icky. condescending, insincere, something to snicker at. and on it goes. the more accurate, the quicker it's thrown out. and the accusations fly at those of us who make an attempt to comply. and in the end who decides? i think it's those with influence and moola to make.

    1. anon- Words that are accurate are somehow mean. When I hear artists, particularly writers, siding with our new word police, I shudder.

    2. anon- There is no way everyone's feelings can be spared, and you hit the target with "the more accurate, the quicker it's thrown out."

    3. anon- good points on "retard"

  6. Replies
    1. John Cale has to be at least seventy years old

  7. Samuel L Jackson had some interesting comments on the N word and other 'sensitive" word topics

  8. buster- who the hell watches MSNBC?

  9. Ergodan is getting scary.

  10. buster-Today's Turkey is tough to stomach.

    1. nitt- Ergodan is nowhere near being secular

    2. nitt- and getting worse daily

    3. ergodan is going off the deep end

    4. Turkey's dictator

    5. India gets strange

  11. great news on Turkey election

  12. ergodan is off the rails

  13. good stuff buster guy


Soviet -Putin style and more

 Putin continues his tradition of sending Kim Jon Un, the NK dictator, various gifts. This week it's lions and bears, and earlier this y...