Showing posts with label Ukraine. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Ukraine. Show all posts

Thursday, September 23, 2021

"Eastern " Europe next

 Lithuania’s Defense Ministry advised consumers to throw away their Chinese phones and avoid buying new Chinese produced phones because one version of Xiaomi phone has built-in censorship tools whilea Huawei model has security flaws.

Communist China remains angry that Taiwan  missions in Lithuania are called the Taiwanese Representative Office. Here is a link to an earlier blog with related information on Eastern Europe

oct 12

The Czech Communist party, whose support helped PM Babis keep his majority, failed to enter parliament for the first time since WW2.  Babis, also lost to a center-right coalition fronted by Petr Fiala.

Dec 16, 2021

Belarus gets worse. Sergei Tikhanovsky, a one-time presidential hopeful who was arrested several months before last year’s disputed presidential election, was sentenced to 18 years for organizing mass riots, etc. His wife Svetlana ran in his place, and many said she beat the crowned winner Lukashenko. She fled to Lithuania almost immediately after the election.

Dec 27, 2021

This should make things more interesting with Russia. Ukraine will be able to import 8 million cubic meters of gas from the European market daily via Hungary beginning January 2022.

Jan 4, 2022

While Joe Biden and Germany consider bowing down to Putin, Finnish President Sauli Niinisto argued proposals that Russia gave to the United States and NATO in December to ensure that the alliance did not expand eastward or place mid-range nuclear weapons on its border were "in conflict with the European security order" and challenged Finland's sovereignty.

Jan 20, 2022

 US State Department gave the go-ahead to Lithuania, Latvia, and Estonia to send American made missiles and other weapons to Ukraine. Are we using the side door instead of getting directly in Putin's face?

Jan 24, 2022

If you're keeping score on the Ukraine situation:

Germany won't allow Estonia to send German made arms to Ukraine

Vice Admiral Kay-Achim Schönbach stepped down as the head of the German Navy after  stating that Crimea was lost to Ukraine, and we should show Putin more respect

 US State Dept told dependents of staffers at the U.S. Embassy in Kyiv, Ukraine that they must leave the country but claimed it wasn't an evacuation. That's Biden-speak 101.

Feb 17, 2022

The US Embassy in Bulgaria blamed supply chain disruptions for the delay in the delivery of the new F-16 fighters, and claimed the USA remains committed to the modernization of Bulgaria's armed forces. Something is fishy about the timing of this statement and "supply chain" remains a convenient alibi these days whether it's valid or not.

Feb 18, 2022

I'm trying to get some background on the Ukraine situation and Putin's push to return to one Russia.  Some Ukrainian and Belarusian historians view Rus from the 11th and 12th centuries as no more than a ‘union of monarchs’, a loose collection of warring principalities.

Feb 26, 2022

History: The sack of Kiev in 1169 by the ‘northern’ party was a deeply symbolic act, deliberately designed to undermine the city’s sacred status.

March 12, 2022

I'm trying to catch up on Ukraine, particularly Kiev. The Mongols sacked Kiev in 1240 and remained a force there until the 15th century.  

Most Russians consider the idea of Kiev as the ‘mother of Russian cities’ as central to their understanding of their origins as a nation.

March 19, 2022

Meanwhile, residents of northern Greece travel en masse to Bulgaria for gasoline and groceries, because they can't stand the prices at home.

May 1, 2022

Solzhenitsyn(1918-2008) became Putin's buddy in the 2000s.  He criticized Alexander I for failing to press home Russia’s decisive advantage after the defeat of Napoleon in 1812, and regain Galicia, which is now southeastern Poland and western Ukraine.

June 18, 2022

Russia's war in the Ukraine has leaders exploring eastern Europe for answers. Macron sees little chance of an agreement with Russia to get grain out the Ukrainian port of Odessa, but plans are in the works to regenerate rail routes linking Odessa to the Danube River in Romania as an alternative.

June 23, 2022

Finland did not abolish military conscription for males as many other western nations did after the end of the Cold War and claims it 's prepared to fight Russia. Ain't the first time! They fought two wars in the 1940s against its eastern neighbor, with which it shares an 810-mile border. 

June 26, 2022

 Toblerone can no longer call its chocolate bar Swiss because it's adding a plant in Slovakia, and it will not be exclusively made in Switzerland. It's changing its design to say originated in Switzerland.

July 20, 2022

Belgium has gone through many phases, including periods of neutrality, since 1830 when it declared independence from Netherlands.  USA State Department green-lighted the potential sale of F-16 sustainment and related equipment worth $127 million to Belgium.

July 26, 2022

"The Russian troops who were in Belarus in February under the guise of a so-called 'training exercise' have not left our territory." Max, is a member a network of Belarusian opposition activists in Ukraine, who view their temporary new home as the perfect base to continue the fight against Putin and Lukashenko.

Aug 20, 2022

 USA will give the Czech Republic eight Bell military helicopters for free, and the Czech defense minister said it was recognition of the NATO country's aid to Ukraine. I know the world has changed since my youth during the cold war days, but it's a headline I'd never thought I'd see.

Sept 18, 2022

Poland’s top leaders celebrated the opening yesterday of a new canal that will mean ships no longer must secure Russia’s permission to sail from the Baltic Sea to the ports of the Vistula Lagoon. The canal is not quite finished but should give Poland full sovereignty in the northeastern region and encourage development of a region that borders Russia’s Kaliningrad exclave.

The intersystem gas connection Greece-Bulgaria will begin operation on October 1, and the planned initial capacity of the interconnector is 3 billion cubic meters per year.

Oct 7, 2022

In the recent parliamentary elections in Bulgaria 87,378 voters chose "I do not support anyone".

Nov 17, 2022

Austria and Hungary pledged to help Serbia organize deportations by plane of people who come to the Balkan nation from so-called safe countries of origin and aren't eligible for asylum in the EU or in Serbia. The migrants come into Serbia from North Macedonia and Bulgaria after arriving there from Turkey and Greece. 

Dec 28, 2022

Not surprising but noteworthy: A Minsk court sentenced in absentia former Olympic swimmer Aliaksandra Herasimenia to 12 years in prison for public calls to commit actions aimed at causing harm to the national security of Belarus. And it also ordered the seizure of Herasimenia's apartment, her car, and $48,700 in her bank accounts.

Jan 15, 2023


Surva, a festival held every January in the village of Kosharevo, Bulgaria, is a mixture of Christian and pagan rituals that can be traced back to Thracian times. Revellers dress in red, some wearing huge masks and belts strung with large copper bells, dance around a fire on the main square to drive away evil spirits and bring in good health and crops for the New Year.  

Jan 30, 2023

After the Soviet-Yugoslavia split in the late 1940s, Albania and Bulgaria were the main conduits the USSR used to funnel funds to the communists in Greece.

Feb 19, 2023

In April 2022 in response to the massacre of civilians by Russian troops in Ukraine, the Lithuanian Art Creators' Association called for an embargo on Russian culture and art in Lithuania until the end of the war in Ukraine. I get the anger but don't see how it's made you safer and rejecting the existence of Russian art doesn't mean it vanishes from the planet.

March 2, 2023

Someone painted the Russian flag on the base of the Little Mermaid sculpture which is displayed on a rock by the waterside at the Langelinie promenade in Copenhagen, Denmark. How did no one witness the vandal at play?

April 3, 2023

In Finland the Conservative National Coalition party emerged victorious with 20.7 percent, In second place the nationalist Finns party with 20.1 percent, and PM Sanna Marin's Social Democrats garnered 19.9 percent. All of this as Finland prepares to join NATO.

April 7, 2023

Azerbaijan expelled four Iranian diplomats this week. Back in January Azerbaijan closed its embassy in Tehran after its head of security was killed in an attack and then last week opened an embassy in Israel.

April 16, 2023

Western Bosnia was called Ottoman Croatia in the 1600s.

April 22, 2023

I missed this story from late 2022. American combat drones are deployed at the air base in the Greek city of Larissa. The base is used for training NATO pilots. 

May 3, 2023

Just a reminder of why Denmark is important: It controls the entrance to the Baltic Sea, and will likely play an important strategic role in a potential military conflict with Russia as a transit point for NATO reinforcements.  Hence, Denmark's intelligence service expects Russia to recruit civilians and use journalists, business executives, etc, to spy on the country as an alternative to Russian diplomats who were expelled last year. Will headlines be borrowing from Shakespeare? "There's something rotten in the state of Denmark."

May 27, 2023

I've been reading a history of Romania book and am shaking my head at this ruling. ECHR ruled Romania must legalize same-sex civil unions. Orthodox religions in Romania survived decades of Communism, let's see how they handle extreme secularists.

 Increasing signs of jihadist groups plotting possible attacks in Europe, including in the Netherlands.  Let's not get too consumed with the Ukraine.

June 15, 2023

UDMR's ethnic Hungarian party is quitting Romania's governing coalition in a row over cabinet posts. It has served as a bridge between the coalition's main two parties, the leftist Social Democrats and the center-right Liberals. Hungarians have a long, sometimes testy history in Romania.

June 29, 2023

Morocco and Turkey are upset that a Swedish court gave an Iraqi refugee permission to burn some pages of the Koran outside Stockholm's central mosque. It's a part of freedom which ain't always pretty.

Sept 19, 2023

Bulgarian Beekeepers are pissed: Ukrainian and Chinese honey are marketed as Bulgarian honey.

Oct 16, 2023

Romania is moving its air defense closer to its Danube border due to Russian drone parts landing there.

Also, the deployment of four additional US F-16 fighter jets and an expanded no-fly zone, are signs of growing concern in Romania that the war in Ukraine could spill over into its territory.

Oct 21, 2023

Germany pushed Bulgaria to declare a token war on the USA and UK in December 1941, and Sofia was bombed by the Allies in January 1944.

Jan 9, 2024

Bulgaria and Romania will enter the Schengen via Air and Sea in 2024 - no additional refugee-related conditions from Syria and Afghanistan.

The goal is to ease travel for citizens and the strengthened internal markets within the Schengen area.

Jan 21, 2024

Shakespeare's comment on rot in Demark resonates a little more while reading about the Vikings: Norway-Demark-England battles.

Sure feels like being King was the main reason for living.


Monday, December 30, 2013

Mother Russia, it's a Pussy Riot

An early NYE toast to Alyokhina, 25, and Tolokonnikova, 24,
the two gals  from the band Pussy Riot who upon their release from prison immediately spit venom back at Putin, the grand warden of Russia.

Officially branded hooligans for daring to criticize Putin and trying to perform in a Russian Orthodox Church, they may not always have a consistent message but they got guts.

Rebels cuz they gotta be

I disagree with this move
"We're not going to give shows," Alyokhina said. "We're just not interested."      Giving press conferences ain't enough.
Will Putin try to link the girls with the Chechen terrorists?

Putin says gays are welcome at the Socho Olympics but don't get too close to kids. Will the PR gals  have something to stay?

PR is coming to Barclays in Brooklyn for an Amnesty Intl benefit. Wonder if they try to stay?


Putin may have forgotten the girls with Ukraine erupting and the Socho Olympics starting

Putin's plate is full with Sochi debacle & Ukraine protests. Maybe he should put his shirt back on?

Putin's punks detained the PR  girls for  awhile in Sochi yesterday


Putin punks whipping the PR girls in Sochi

Yanu fled Kiev yesterday. Maybe the PR girls should cover "Little runaway"  as a tribute? 

Now Yanu  may be arrested and was apparently detained at the border. Crazy few week in the Ukraine

Most of the world saw the PR girls hassled by the cops. Granted, the girls go out of their way for attention, but this comment from the Russian deputy prime minister Dmitry Kozak  is laughable. 
"They had been searching for it for some time and finally they had this conflict with local inhabitants."


Yanu isn't well liked by Putin- I wonder how long he survives.

Ok PR girls can you stop  Putin's takeover of Crimea cuz the the USA & Europe can't.

Did the PR girls stay in Brooklyn while Putin remains on the warpath?

The two PR girls  tells members of Congress that Putin resumed abusing prisoners, including using mandatory psychiatric treatment for some

Putin tells his troops to pull back from the eastern Ukraine border for the third time but still no decisive movement. I wonder if he forgeot to run this through channels or he's lying to the world.

Porshenko, an experienced politician,currently unaffiliated to any of the country's political parties, sounds level headed. Can he lead Ukraine out of it's mess.

Hey Putin maybe Snowden can  help the Ukraine?

Russian Parliament gets its own social network. Amusing quote at the article's end  MP 
"That's right, the ruling elite needs to be separated from the impoverished people on the web, too," said Sandy Moustache, a political satire account.
Putin forgave Cuba's debt then signed a series of agreements on nuclear energy in Argentina. And Russia will host the 2018 World Cup

Edward Snowden's  term end in Russia on July 31. Will they renew. Linked a German perspective
German view

Russia extends Snowden' s stay for three years.


Iraq, Syria, Ferguson, MO - meanwhile the Putin /Ukraine mess is re-heating

Too bad Snowden can't/won't tell the truth about Putin

Is he a whore?
(Reuters) - Former intelligence contractor Edward Snowden could be granted safe passage in Switzerland if he helped a potential criminal inquiry into U.S. spying there, the Swiss public prosecutor's office said on Monday.

Syria's longtime protector Russia hasn't said much about ISIS. Are they AWOL?  or letting us do all the work again?

I haven't let the Cold War grow. Is a Russian sub stirring the waters off the coast of Sweden? Putin plays ?

Nadezhda Tolokonnikova and Maria Alekhina  landed in London to continue the fight against the Putin propaganda machine. Also, they are  suing Russia in ECHR- good luck collecting

Russia is stepping up interest rates  and  military activity in the Baltic

from BBC:
In a separate development, the world's two largest credit and debit card companies, Visa and Mastercard, said on Friday they could no longer support bank cards being used in Crimea, following fresh US sanctions imposed this month.

West looks to bulgaria in on-going battle with russia. link

Meanwhile Putin will visit Hungary a day after Merkel. quite an interesting game Hungary plays. link
has this great quote:
Endre Ady, one of Hungary's best modern poets, depicted his motherland in 1905 as a "ferry-country", constantly travelling from East to West, "though preferring the return journey"
These Hungarian protestors  are smart but will their leaders listen. link
 "Putin Nyet (No), Europe Yes".

Putin taking personal control of the investigation so it will go nowhere or frame an innocent person. link
 A leading Russian opposition politician, former Deputy Prime Minister Boris Nemtsov, has been shot dead in Moscow, Russian officials say.

Where is Putin? He hasn't been seen in public in a month.

How much is Putin helping Iran? just saying

UK jets intercepted more than 100 Russian aircraft last year, according to the British Defence Ministry.

Did the Cold War end? Russians keep probing NATO airspace.  link

British planes were scrambled after Nato radar picked up incoming Russian fighter jets over the Baltic.
Snowden is traveling virtually.   snowden
Edward Snowden to make virtual return to Hong Kong for top-secret investor conference speech
Putin's 'nice guy" tour begins. He!! he's doing whatever he wants so why not?


Too bad Snowden can't leak any Russian documents today.
 Getting a taste of how brutal parts of the former USSR  are reading Callaghan's A Killing Winter  about fictional inspector Borubaev in Kyrgyzstan.
Haven't heard much from Snowden - how's Russia working for you now?
Russia steps into the Colgne, Germany rape   nightmare after a 13 year-old Russian immigrant girl was allegedly raped by  Mideast immigrants. Putin is everywhere. link

U.S. stationing tanks and artillery in classified Norwegian caves. Are we waking up? Russia shares a 121.6-mile long border with Norway.

Russia looks out for journalists when  it suits them.  Nadia Savchenko denies directing artillery fire at the Russian journalists in June 2014. nadia
Putin's friends  and associates: lesin
 Mikhail Lesin was found dead in a room at the Dupont Circle hotel in Washington DC last 

 Russian forces have started leaving Syria after Monday's surprise withdrawal announcement by President Vladimir Putin. Not sure what's up Putin's sleeve?

Call me stunned : Obama is waking up??? 
The US on Thursday activated the estimated $800m missile shield in Deveselu, southern Romania.Nato says the base is aimed at potential threats from the Middle East.
Stalin & Lenin are grinning in their graves at Putin's latest internal move. This is how he fired one of "closest" allies. “I respect your desire to move to another line of work,” Mr. Putin said. The president appointed Mr. #Ivanov a special representative for transport and environmental issues.
Go #borisjohnson who'd  "like to see" a protest of #russia  for its bombings of the Syrian city of Aleppo,
While #Hillary blames her cyber woes on Putin, Russia's neighbors are preparing for  invasion. Last year #Lithuania announced it would re-introduce conscription for men aged 19-26. and has recently updated its civil defense booklet.
Ok  #pussyriot, who has released  some videos filled with dread about a Trump Presidency. Trump will not be allowed to rule like Putin and unleash stormtroopers at will. 
This is going to get uglier. Russia will likely appeal. Dutch court
"An Amsterdam court has ruled that ancient treasures on loan to a Dutch museum should be handed to Ukraine and not the Crimea museums they came from.......As Crimea was not a sovereign state, the court ruled that it was for Ukraine to decide where the collection should go."
I'm not  buying #schumer 's version of Putin's focus on the USA November 2016 election, but it appears that his focus on the Ukraine and  Syria may be affecting him at home. Tens of thousands of Russians took to the streets on Sunday March 27 to protest against government corruption  Don't know if #pussyriot made an appearance.
Sardonic warning: It took a terrorist attack in St Petersburg, Russia  to give Soros'  well paid crew proof that Trump and Putin are working together. White House statement: "Both President #Trump and President #Putin agreed that terrorism must be decisively and quickly defeated," 
Does Turkey, or should I say Ergodan, get along with anybody? Will they kiss and makeup with Russia? #ergodan and #putin are meeting in  #Sochi to discuss Turkish tariffs on Russian products and Russia's protection of #assad in Syria. 
Russia's telecoms watchdog has blocked China's WeChat- wonder what has #putin put out
#Montenegro is joining  #Nato and #Russia is snarling in the same manner it did with #Ukraine a few years a go. From the Russian Foreign Ministry:
 "We reserve the right to take steps aimed at defending our interests and national security."
#Putin thinks that elements of a U.S. anti-missile system being built in Alaska and South Korea are a challenge to Russia? Is the alleged #trump #putin Bromance over?
I can only laugh at a Newsweek report that Russia’s security services are accusing#Ukrainian spies of trying to recruit Crimeans to ruin the tourist season in #Crimea.
Flashing a mirror at #russia and sadly LOL at this: Russia urges U.S. to start finding way to resolve problems......
#catalonia: Does #Russia, everyone's boogeyman, have a point on the #eu who have ignored Madrid's violent actions against voters who took part in the independence referendum but weren't as quiet about Yanukovych's  crackdown in the #Ukraine on the pro-European protests of 2013 and 2014.
#putin thinks the #usa is too tough on #northkorea- then you should work with China and shut down the fatboy.  He blames the USA for the Olympics ban- maybe you should get your jocks to take less dope. 
 In non -dossier news: #Ukraine agreed to release 306 prisoners in exchange for 74 being held by pro-Russian separatists.
2/23/18: Russain blow in Argentina:  860 pounds of cocaine seized at #Russian Embassy in #BuenosAires Argentina
Upcoming tour promotion or  did #fsb detainn the members of #pussyriot again. Time for a dossier.  #crimea .
Obviously, #Vlodin , Putin's pal and the speaker of the Russian State Duma, didn't care about PR on INtl Women's Day when he told female journalists who report from the legislature to change their jobs if they face sexual harassment from lawmakers.
A #putin like move backfired in #armenia. #Sargsyan 's party made him Prime Minister after his presidential terms ended. Then he had #Pashinian, his opponent, briefly arrested after a televised meeting. Yesterday  Sargsyan quit, but many Armenians are not sure he won't try to keep power behind the scenes.
Catchy slogan "He is not our tsar," by the Russians who have taken to the streets to decry a fourth term by President Putin, but Putin's punks will pummel these folks.
#burgerking apologized for it promise on #Russian social media of a lifetime supply of whoppers to women who get “the best football genes” by getting pregnant from a World Cup player and “ensure the success of the Russian team for generations to come”.  On so many levels, all I can say is wow and chuckle.
The Jailhouse Rockers: Four members of the Russian activist group #PussyRiot ,who disrupted the #WorldCup Final by running onto the pitch dressed as police officers,  were detained again, just as they walked free from prison after serving a 15-day sentence.
Perhaps, I should take this seriously but a chuckle is all I can offer.  #Russia appoints actor #StevenSeagal to deepen ties with the USA.
Let's see how Trudy handles this one : Russian-Canadien activist and #pussyriot producer #PyotrVerzilov has been transferred to a Berlin hospital after becoming ill from a possible poisoning in Moscow.
#Netanyhu chatted on  the phone with  #putin about Israeli air operations over Syria and they may meet. Moscow is ticked because they think Israel in indirectly responsible for shooting down one of their spy planes.
Finland and Norway are claiming Russia may have jammed GPS signal in the Arctic. Despite the Kremin's denial, Sweden and Finland , non- #NATO members, have been cooperating more closely with NATO and their troops  on the Trident Juncture,  a NATO-led military exercise being held in #Norway 
Maybe this is the real Russian collusion? #Prokopchuk , a senior Russian interior ministry official,  is the likely new President of #interpol. The "red notices" or warrants may increase against #putin 's enemies list.
South Korea’s Kim Jong Yang has been elected in a bit of an upset as Interpol’s president ahead of #Prokopchuk  ,the controversial Russian candidate. 
12/11/18: #Ukraine will not renew Russian friendship treaty in 2019 amid tensions. End it now!
 #EKRE party doesn't play well with others since it  opposes civil partnerships for same-sex couples in #Estonia, calls LGBT Pride celebrations a "parade of perverts," and demands major immigration restrictions. It is set to make major gains(from 8.1% to 17%) in the on-going elections, but I'm a leery of its coziness with Russia, and that it hasn't offered  an answer for  the brain drain, the exit of highly skilled workers. 
 The center-right opposition Reform Party won Sunday's election in Estonia displacing  the center-left Center Party, .  #EKRE finished third with 17.8 percent support, nearly doubling its share of the vote, but may not be invited to share power.
What I learned in a  brief conversation  yesterday with a lady from Siberia: Parts of Siberia have a short summer and a mosquito problem. Also, most of those Stalin era prisons in the less inhabitable sections of Siberia have sunk into the earth.
 Saudi Arabia is having a hard time convincing Russia to stay longer than June in an OPEC-led pact cutting oil supply.
 #Poland turned off the taps of Russian crude along the Druzhba oil pipeline through Belarus at its Adamovo hub due to contamination. Maybe #putin needs to spend a little less time with the fatboy from North Korea?
 #Putin warned the USA that Russia was not 'a fire brigade' and could not 'rescue everything' as tension rise between the US and Iran. Sure Vlad, we believe you- sad LOL 
  #Tatprof, a Russian  aluminum producer,is offering bonuses to its female staff for putting on makeup and wearing a dress or skirt to work. Will Trump bring this ides to the USA- just kidding?
  Russian President #Putin meets #PopeFrancis for a third time. I'm going start suspecting collusion if the Russian Orthodox Church extends an invitation for the Pope to visit Russia..
 Call it collusion, blame it on #trump, or accept that it's market driven. #NHL signs multiyear deal with #Yandex to stream all games in Russia.
 In 1689 Peter the Great created a beard tax that allowed Russian men to grow their beard when they please, only with a payment. 
 Same old song and dance: The World Anti-Doping Agency has given #russia three weeks to explain "inconsistencies" in a lab database or risk being excluded from the Olympics and world championships.
 Lotsa luck to Germany in its effort to get help from Putin on  this investigation of an August 23,2019 murder..
Zelimkhan Khangoshvili, a 40-year-old veteran of the second Chechen War against Russia, and a possible associate of Georgian Intelligence, was shot at point-blank range by a cyclist in the Berlin neighborhood of #Moabit.
 Putin wants to give parliament power to choose Russia's PM. What's his angle  this time?
#ViktorSviridov ,  former Russian prison service official,  killed himself in court with a gun after he was sentenced to three years in jail for extortion. And stating the obvious about lax court security.
 I found this old joke while reading a story on Russia  setting  a limit of no more than 10 military medals can be worn on parade uniforms. "What would happen if Brezhnev were eaten by a crocodile? The crocodile would be sh—ing medals for two weeks!"
May 6, 2020
You knew it was coming.  Assad has been moving against  his one time ally Makhlouf's, assets to pay  Russia the $3 billion it has spent  pushing back rebels in Syria. Putin-friendly media has been criticizing Assad as weak, unpopular and unable to tackle corruption has added to the pressure.
June 17, 2020
Since removing statues is all the rage, Russia and Czechoslovakia are in a tit for tat game of expelling diplomats that can be traced back to the removal in March, 2020 of a statue of Russian General Konev ,who helped to liberate Czech Republic from the Nazis in 1945, but also led the Russian invasion of Czechoslovakia in 1968. The statue was put in storage and may later be placed in a museum. Maybe the Czechs should give the statue back to Russia, its ruler from 1948-1990.
Aug 29, 2020
I'm laughing at “Putin, have some tea,” , the Russian protesters latest chant, a reference to Alexei Navalny who has been ill since drinking a cup of tea at an airport cafe.
Feb 26, 2021
Since trains and wagons have been forbidden to enter or leave North Korea and most international passenger flights are prohibited,  a group of Russian diplomats and their families  entered Russia on a hand-pushed rail trolley today.
April 13, 2021
Russia tells NATO to not accept Ukraine as a member, and tells the USA to keeps its naval ships out of the Black Sea around Crimea. No response from Biden????
July 6, 2021
Latest from Russia: Putin's gangsters support the Myanmar Junta, passed a law requiring  champagne imports to have "sparkling wine " written on every bottle, and continue to irk LBGT daily.
Sept 14, 2021
 Putin attended war game exercises with Belarus, that included the use in a combat environment of two new robotic fighting vehicles that are equipped with machine guns and grenade launchers, at a training ground in the Nizhny Novgorod region
Hey Sleepy Joe Biden , how about our friends in Poland, Latvia, Lithuania and Estonia?
March 6, 2022
Thinking of this line from John Cale's song "Russian Roulette":
The Russian bear is hungry
March 10, 2022
Ok, I'm not an expert on Russia, but wonder if there's some power- hungry boys who can and will assassinate Putin. Internal pressure is bubbling in Russia.
June 28, 2022
Don't forget the weather: The one official crossing between Georgia and Russia on the mountainous  559-mile border between the two countries is closed due to heavy rains. It will re-open after the weather improves and the road has been repaired.
June 30, 2022
I'm learning a great deal about areas near the North Pole since Putin chose to go to war with Europe. I'm wondering if Santa Claus will be allowed to dispense gifts.
Svalbard, midway between Norway's north coast and the North Pole, is part of Norway, but Russia has the right to exploit the archipelago's natural resources under a treaty signed in 1920. However, most of the freight from Russian settlements passes first through a checkpoint into mainland Norway, which is closed to EU sanctioned goods.
Aug 6, 2022
No surprise Pussy Riot trio rockin ‘Free Brittney Griner’ shirt 
July 24, 2024
Read a new "word": Tolokonnikova, the founder of Pussy Riot who fled Russia, lives "geo-anonymously" for safety reasons. 

Monday, May 6, 2013

Nothing is true, everything is permitted.

Israel PM Netanyhu visits China - wow didn't see this was coming. I figured China would be searing after the Israeli air strikes of Syria.

I finished City of thieves, an interesting tale of Russia during WW2 by David Benioff , yesterday. Benioff blended humor in nicely to brutal tales of the German occupation of Russia. The character Kolya,  a Red Army deserter and fledling writer, quipped a few times about how a writer  often  borrow  the best lines of other writers.

When I first heard the line  "nothing is true , everything is permitted"  in a Jim Carroll song  (circa 1980),  I considered it a solid line from the jaded junkie,  however most data points back to this line being a deathbed utterance of  Hassan-i Sabbah, the early 12th century leader of the Hashashinis (later to be called Assassins). Then again, that may not be true.

Sports, politics,  and assassins- did I capture the events of the day?

Put in a penny,   check the Chechnyans,  pat the poet,

enough of this vamp: To put together; fabricate or improvise:


Is Obama going to take us to war ( recall Libya?)  with Syria w/o Congressional  approval. Why not let both sides (Assad & Iran vs.Al Queda) kill each other? And,  I get the chemical warfare argument.


 Now King Barack says he'll consult Congress on Syria although he doesn't have to. Load of crap from BO

FBook follows Obama's NSA lead trying to give me cyber staph with its search graph . The govt and  corporations don't value privacy so stop trying to sell us that crap.

Is Putin's attempt to incorporate Ukraine  going off the rails despite the $$$?  Ukraine's Prez is compromising but folks want more:

NSA spying , invasive  airport searches ,   and a kid hops the fence and sneaks into the wheel well of a plane. Indeed everything is permitted.  link


Fits with the topic title. Donald Sterling, the former owner of the NBA Clippers before a lifetime ban for racist comments, was a DNC & NAACP donor.

Blog title  fits my  theme of the day.
USA border agents strafed at the Rio Grande
Russian separatists moved the bodies from  the Malaysian airlines ' wreckage

Thought this would fit the blog title from BBC:

European Commission President Jean Claude Juncker denies allegations he encouraged tax avoidance during his time Luxembourg prime minister

Didn't Feinstein sign  off on the alleged CIA ills she's exposing today?  quite a time for Dems to be transparency

What happened to Feinstein's "war' with the CIA?


Hey China: Why not reduce taxes on the mainland?  or other things. link
Parallel trading has been a key factor in the growing anti-mainland sentiment in Hong Kong.
There is huge demand in China for household items from Hong Kong, in particular milk powder, as they are seen as being both cheaper and better quality.

Is mainland China creeping into Taiwan's culture? link
 But opponents have charged that the revisions whitewash Taiwan’s authoritarian period under Nationalist rule before it became a democracy in the early 1990s, and amount to inserting pro-mainland China ideology into the curriculum.
Good election for Taiwan:  Taiwanese voters have voted for Ms Tsai  to keep Beijing at a distance. Hope she's succesful.
China's response is not surprising but still chilling. 
Chinese state media lashed out swiftly in the wake of the victory, saying that Taiwan should abandon its "hallucination" of independence.

 Malka Leifer an Israeli woman facing 74 child sex charges in Australia, is mentally unfit, due to panic attacks, to face extradition. I'd have panic attacks, too. Plus they just lifted her house arrest

A political marriage  #kyi and Gen Min Aung Hlaing , not only permitted but possibly working. Kyi has gone from being under military house arrest to getting  a  visit from Gen Hlaing. #burma
My favorite headline of the day
What Al Capone can teach India about prohibition

Gujarat, a state in India ,outlawed alcohol in 1958, but contraband liquor is still readily available at hooch stalls.
#shawcross is proposing a charity tax to fund a  hotline that will advise charity trustees how to increase and enhance public trust in charities.  and this guy is permitted to keep his job as chairman of the UK Charity Commission
Mainland China has hurt a once vibrant #hongkong  economy, but did permit Hong Kong leader-elect Carrie Lam to state the obvious on  Tuesday: 
"there is no room for moves towards independence in the former British colony which she said needs the support of the central government in Beijing to boost economic development over the next five years."
Update on #malkaliefer: #israel continues  to prevent her extradition as she leads a normal life in Israel  then runs to a nuthouse each time she faces an extradition hearing to Australia.
Hey we're just enforcing the law. F'n commies: Nguyen Ngoc Nhu Quynh, 37, known as "Me Nam" #MotherMushroom was sentenced  ten years in jail by a court in #Vietnam for blogging. Yep, she dared to question the state.
American Left on a mission to destroy Dems: #NancyPelosi heckled as 'liar' in DACA protest in San Francisco.
Politicians permitted to say anything. #Bush1, the ex Prez who said read my lips, no new taxes, then raised taxes, calls #trump, a blowhard. Now that's rich!
#SlobodanPraljak drank from  a small bottle a liquid what he claimed was poison during a War Crimes Trial. I guess security permits this????
This would prove everything is permitted:  I've been invited to #PrinceHarry 's wedding. Now, back to dislodging my tongue from my cheek.
This fit the blog theme. Nigeria's top anti-corruption judge, #DanladiUmar ,tasked with high-profile cases, has been charged with illegally accepting money.  accused of demanding a bribe from a suspect.
I guess everything  has been permitted in #acapulco : The entire police force has been disarmed and put under investigation for being under the control of drug cartels.
 Ain't this sadly amusing from #JeremyCorbyn who can't control the anti-Semites in his Labour Party: #TheresaMay should not be rolling out the red carpet for a state visit to honour a President (Trump) who used racist and misogynist rhetoric,"
 A vase given to then PM Thatcher by former #Cyprus president #GeorgeVassiliou three decades ago was sold at auction. Diplomatic protocol bars selling off state gifts. No answer yet from the British Government.
 Outgoing Sri Lankan President #Sirisena  pardoned #JudeJayamaha, from a wealthy, high-profile family, saying he had behaved well in prison and had been jailed  at the age of 19 over an "incident of impatience". The act of impatience was the 2005 murder of a Swedish woman #YvonneJonsson .
 Watch out folks! A Swiss judge, Judge Philippe #Colelough, said due to the imminent danger of the climate crisis the students ,who played tennis inside a Credit Suisse branch in 2018 in protest of fossil fuel investments, were not guilty of resisting arrest and refusing to pay fines. Yep, everything is permitted.

Soviet -Putin style and more

 Putin continues his tradition of sending Kim Jon Un, the NK dictator, various gifts. This week it's lions and bears, and earlier this y...